
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:41:41
I open my wallet,find no money,I open my pocket,find no coin,I open my life,find you,then I know...I open my wallet,find no money,I open my pocket,find no coin,I open my life,find you,then I know how rich I am!Forever My Dear Friends Happy Thanks-Giv Openyourpencil-case翻译成汉语是? i open my wallet,find no money,iopen my pocket,find no coin,iopen my life ,find you,then i know how请问中文意思是什么 莲之出淤泥而不染的之是什么意思? (英语)Make you own conversation-----(use)the following words填空并说明理由谢谢 莲之出淤泥而不染的染什么意思 Our class has twenty girls,the others are boys正确吗? 花生用英语怎么说? How many pencils were there in your pencil case just now?该怎么回答? using algebraic expressions to express the following sentences(1-6)1.Add a to b.2.Multiply p by c.3.Subtract e from f.4.Divide h by 4,then add the result by u.5.Subtract b from the product of 3 and f.6.Add half of m to 3 times n. how can you make eight squares by using the following three squares.Draw it please看到的快点回答 Don't keep us ____(wait) for a long time ,You must hurry. Don't worry!i'll not keep you waiting for too long.just wait a s time Don\'t keep me waiting Don't keep me waiting long请问这句话有语法错误吗? 如果错了.错在哪了?怎样说才是正确的? 满足什么条件使分数有意义? these.are.caes.their 怎样排成疑问句 Could you speak a little more ()A quietly B quickiy C slowly D politely 是allow me to come in 还是show me to come in show love in,有这样的短语搭配吗?有对什么喜欢的意思吗?He showed love in this picture.怎么翻译?这是我们考试的我不敢肯定是对还是错. love+tfboys是什么意思 英语六级缺考会怎么样 Can I speak with you for a minute?是什么意思 唯吾知足的意思 吾唯知足 是什么意思 有没有人知道“唯吾知足”的出处,以及是什么意思?有一次在一个景区内看见墙上刻着这四个字,不知道是什么意思,有知道的指点一下哦! 我的六级过了,但又报了一次,如果缺考有什么影响吗?看到你2006年的问题,所你问问你.谢谢了! 六级缺考有什么后果? can you f____ me I speak a little quickly.怎么填 根据答语写问句 Yes,I have a comic book.我写的是Do you have a comic book? 我吃了花生作为早餐 英语怎么说?I've got peanut for breakfast.I ate peanut for breakfast.这两个句子的意思是一样的吗?可以这样表达吗? 六、根据答语写出问句 2. Yes. I want to have a school trip.3. No, his sister's birthday is in June.4. The speech contest is October.