
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:54:46
这个完形填空咋做啊 帮忙做完形填空 初三完形填空A lot of people believe that they should drink 8glasses or 2 litres of water a day.But a new report thinks d______?填个D开头的字母!说明原因! 英语初三完形填空.Michelangelo lived in Florence.He was 1 _____ all over Italy for his beautiful work.The governor (州长) of Florence asked Michelangelo to make a statue (雕像) out of a large piece of marble (大理石).He worked for two y 初三下学期的完形填空Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scottish doctor,but he didn't earn much every month.Then he began writing detective stories because he needed___41___.His first story A Study in Scarlet___42___in 1887.It was about a detectiv Here is a story about a clever dog.It was a seeing-eye dog.A seeing-eye dog can help blind (瞎的) people walk along the streets and do many other things.One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man ___1___ on bus together.The bus was full of ___2___ an 完型填空(初三)The most(1) w---- spoken language in the world is English.Many peopie understand and use it(2) t---- the world .Indeed,English is a very (3)i----and useful language.(4)i---- we know English,we can travel anywhere and we (5)w-- Learning how to play the piano is not the only way for children to have a bright future.Children can choose what they like in many ways.Many children are good at sports.Maybe they will be great players when they grow up.Here is another example :the _ 完形填空 They start communicating in this language,paying no attention to all ___ spoken around them.A.other B.others C.the other D.the others我实在想不通是为什么,另外 这里的spoken在句子中是什么成分?麻烦填上后再帮 初三的完形填空 问英语题……五四制初三……是一道完形填空,说的是宇航员什么的……befor f____into space, they had lots of p_____. Each upside-down training l____for many days. They also have to know every part of the spaceship and how it 初三的一道英语完形填空题 会的朋友请帮忙,1.she sobbed and sobbed ._____that she had to hold it back for a whole day.A.Since B.Before C.Until 一道英语完形填空题All people,m____and w_______,old and young,use it.答案是man woman可是我写的是,我也觉得是men women就是应该填复数啦 星火英语巅峰训练七年级 完形填空与阅读理解 Test3到Test10的答案 星火英语巅峰训练完形填空与阅读理解120篇八年级答案!超急! 星火英语 巅峰训练 完形填空与阅读理解120篇七年级 星火英语巅峰训练完形填空120篇七年级答案,如上,真的很需要啊,请知道的朋友能够给我,呐呐, 孩子暑假去哪里学英语好?最好是在济宁市中区,孩子6岁了. 小孩暑假学英语哪里好啊? 不想学英语怎么办,初三一看见英语就很反感,怎么办 写出划线单词的同类词.A、whose key is this?whose是划线的.B,Tom's but ()is my key?l can't see it2、Hello is this your key?your是划线的.No it's ()key 广州广从路周围哪里有学英语的地方? 做英语完形填空和阅读理解的方法是? 英语做了完形填空和阅读理解需要怎样总结方法就是做错的需要怎样去理解.怎样总结方法和经验 读高中了,英语反而不好了,主要是在完形填空和阅读理解上,想找一些英语系列的动画来学英语,各位推荐几最好是那种动画系列,集数多一点的..幼稚一点没事,别太幼稚了...感谢~· 学英语有效率的方法~ 求可以做英语题目的软件,最好有听力和阅读题. 对于英语选择题,我是惨不忍睹!从听力到阅读和完型的选择题有没有比较实用的技巧 初一初二都没学英语到初三怎么才能补上? 我初一英语没则么学 没及格过 初一暑假想把英语提上去 则么学习英语方法就是则么在暑假学号英语 初一初二时没好好学英语,现在想补,最主要得学啥?怎么补?还有历史怎么背效率最好? 我现在初三,我初一初二没好好学英语,结果初三很多东西不会,希望哪仁兄给我一些好的建议!我不要什么坚持,我能坚持,什么加油啊!努力啊!这些大话,我要计划!我需要的是计划,我现在脑子很