
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:16:34
You should do it like this和You shuold do it as I showed you有什么区别 ANGEL OF HAPPINESS HAPPINESS OF 同上 求首英文歌曲,高潮部分是“don't hit me beautiful……”啊还有什么“pretty girl,wow/wow"之类的短语好吧我忘了说明这首歌是男声唱的 I should like this matter settled immediately.一句中的should是什么用法? GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication)The success of mobile systems across the worid is a sign that communication is moving towards a amore personalized,convenient system.People who have to use a mobile phone on business soon begin to realize th I should like to question one of your pupils这句话怎么译呀,one of 可否不要,请说明原因, 英语翻译谁能帮忙翻译这句话?cellular subscriber communication product 英语翻译illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture,the trend that Mr.Mc Whorter documents is unmistakable.but it is less clear,to take the question of his subtitle,why we should,like care.翻译 05t4 Have you got any chocolate?Have you made any mistakes?Have you got any chocolate?I haven’t got much.Have you made any mistakes?I have made very few.have got和have有什么区别? Have you made any mistakes 请问这句中made可以改成got How great the fun we had 这个感叹句语法上成立吗?误输了,had后没有t kokusai dengyo co,ltd japan这是什么公司的名称 日本去年冬co日是几号? KOBUN KOGYO CO.,LTD是日本的一家公司,请问有人知道是什么公司吗?或者是在中国哪有代理? 大家好啊我想询问一下;MEIHOKU CO.,LTD.,JAPAN什么意思?谢谢 Aritake Chojuten Co.,Ltd.请问这个日本公司名翻译成中文应该是什么? Even if I had to leave,even if you are happy 有人知道这句英语是什么意思么?晕``那个才是啊? I don't think you should take the first job offer you get.麻烦帮忙解释一下这个句子的句型结构 We should take a coures before we got the job a 后面填一个单词,tr 带头的 什么是门限效应? 如何降低FM数字解调门限 相干解调为什么不存在门限效应 i don't know much about the man.can you tell me()(much)about him?按适当形式填空. 什么是反进门槛效应? FM无线音频传输功能是什么意思? I don't know how to tell you about the point. sometime I think play love with a man that is excitin求翻译,谁能帮我翻译下么sex,money.love is not important to me. I don't know how to tell you about the point. sometime I think play love with "FM"和"AM"分别是什么意思? 下面一段话中有一处语义重复,应删掉的一个词是?大约在46亿年前,地球刚刚形成.那时候地球的温度气温很高,地面的环境与现在完全不同:天空中或赤日火热,或电闪雷鸣;地面上熔岩横溢,火 incheon 机场 和SOUL 机场哪个大 Dong-gu,Incheon,Korea请问这是韩国的什么地方,汉语翻译.仁川广域市是后面的Incheon吧,那个Dong-gu是什么意思?东区? incheon是哪里