
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:04:46
选择题------( ) yogurt would you like?---- Two.A.How many spoons of B.How many C.How much spoons of D.How much并说出为什么这样做的原因?这里是强调选项中的spoons用many 还是强调yogurt用much. ()late,boys!We must leave at eight tomorrow morninga.Don'tb.Can'tc.Don't bed.Can't be 你能行.英语翻译 我家天天有战争阅读答案,,在下万分感激①我家天天有战争,参战的双方是我们那三周岁半的孪生儿女.②“战争”的发起者总是儿子,这主要是他的“实力”比较强大,虽然只比他的妹妹早出生3 In this year it's 2012 dragon year also is my year.SO I must be demtermined to do few things.the first is learn english well and pass the test.the sconed is steady my job and make my parents ressuring.ok rest is no turning back!帮我看看写的是 回答两篇阅读~一、《春雨》①:变幻莫测(解释“莫”)( )②:春雨贵如油(解释“贵”) ( )③:作者为什么“愿意做一滴小小的雨滴”?二、《猩猩》①:“猎人就根据猩猩这些喜 请问receive和accept两个单词有什么不同,在用法上要在怎么用,总之有什么区别? ( )17.We would have had a bad harvest this year if we ____ so much rain in the spring.( )17.We would have had a bad harvest this year if we ____ so much rain in the spring. A.haven’t had B. hadn’t C. hadn’t had 请翻译原 语文阅读题,各位大哥大姐帮帮忙离军区司令部门岗只有几步了,她仍骑在车上,旁若无人地朝门岗驶去. “喂,同志,请下车.” “下车?”她不屑地瞥了哨兵一眼,脚一蹬…… “站住!”随着喊声, 语文问题,各位大哥大姐帮帮忙.(阅读题:不幸者的悲哀 野风)文章在记叙的基础上开展了精辟的议论,请把议论的句子找出来,并说说作用.句子:作用:是一句话哎。。。。你不会想让我抄 古文《粮车伏兵》的翻译 英语翻译唐肃宗时,胡人大入塞,北鄙不得宁.上派大军击之,然为胡骑所围,粮道绝,兵多馁死.上急,以裴行俭率兵援之.行俭曰:“胡人众,惟智取耳.”遂佯为粮车三百乘,每车伏状士五人,各持锐刀 英语翻译 accept和receive 的区别? Kitty is 12years old.同义句Kitty is a()() 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行告诉我们什么?什么道理? accept 和receive的区别 accept和receive的区别 receive/accept的区别 omegle 上有人问have u facebook是什么意思?不懂不懂啊…… facebook是什么啊?有没有照片?我说没有就秒切了- - i have to add you on facebook是错的吗 一定要用have added?我疑惑 kitty is good at dancing?同义句kitty()very(). Kitty is good()(游泳者) dig nose翻译成中文是什么dig nose翻译中文是什么 英语翻译能不能。简洁一点。 in the morning中the 可以省略吗 2 in the morning receive和accept有何区别?单选老选错具体 最好有例句说明 Most sharks (鲨鱼) are dangerous.The largest kind of shark - the whale shark - has small teeth and ear to ear怎么翻译 pleased to the eye,euphony to the ear怎么翻译 求对联啦