
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:43:08
do you remember( ) he came here of course l do.his father drove him here.a.when b.why c.howthere is a mountain { } the top is always covered with snow a.whose b.of which c.it's d.that 蓝水怎么做啊! 英语四级真题讲解王长喜的好还是新东方的好 Do you remember being here before?这句中为何用being?可以用came 的ing形式来代替吗? Do you know when he came here?Let me think.He here since he graduated.A.had come B.has been C.had been 水为何呈现蓝色?水虽是透明的,但远远望去,大片的水就显现蓝色 各种夸人的话很特别的夸人话 夸人善良的话或者是诗 英语翻译If Chinese firms did use retained earnings to attract external credit in the early stages of reform,the relationship between retained earnings in that context contradict both theory and empirical findings in the West.Yet in both contexts, 《黄河颂》:中华的摇篮 的意思是? 快回答呀.《黄河颂》:筑起民族的屏障 的意思是? 呼吸道能保证气体顺畅通过,是因为?声带位于哪? “蓝颜” 用英语怎么说? 蓝颜英语怎么说 蓝颜用英语怎么说 all of us want him to rest 改为否定句 蓝颜的英文是啥? 蓝颜知己用英语怎么讲?我想知道蓝颜知己翻译成英语是怎么讲的,希望知道的朋友告诉我. People ran wildly when the earthquke started.改为感叹句 英语辨析,定语从句的we climbed on the top of the tower,from where we could see a wonderful image为什么不能用where引导定从?为什么不能变为we could see a wonderful image on the top of the tower? people ran wildly.(同义句) people ____ ____ ______ _______ 垂头丧气 心悦诚服 望而生畏 胸有成竹 没精打采 激动不已 忐忑不安 目不转睛 张口结舌 面如土色 神采奕奕目瞪口呆 表现人物神态的、表现人物心理的 every one of us want to be volunteer英文翻译 _______a volunteer is great.I think so.Some of us want____volunteers for the next olympics————_______a volunteer is great.I think so.————Some of us want____volunteers for the next olympicsA.Being;being B.To be;being C.Being;to be D.Is 谁能帮我找找描写人物神态的成语,如:垂头丧气需要3个 资本用英文怎样翻译 一个成功得人或事用英语怎么说 甲和乙两人买一套相同的信笺盒,甲每个信封里装一张信笺纸,则信封全用完,乙信封里 如何有效提高孩子的思考,多思考,爱思考能力? (孩子几岁识字合适呢?)家长们,你们谁知道啊, 日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂,此不为远者小而近者大乎的意思 日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂,此不为近者小而近者大乎意思是什么 日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂,此不为远者小而近者大乎?中的