
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 13:07:35
It's hagh time we__something to stop road accidents.A.are doing B.did C.will do D.do "we will we will rock you"这是哪首歌里的歌词?我要歌名 推荐几首和we will rock you 类似的歌曲不用很多,就是几首既可以了 求介绍几首像WE WILL ROCK YOU之类的英文歌有的介绍下~ Dear, I know you are in a difficult time you wish I could help you, I want to help you, but now I face difficulties, if not I meet with difficulties, I would have helped you, you said to love what is the use, I know you will let me in your sight and 用英文歌曲介绍we will rock you 这首歌字数为50词~65词 1.She brought forward a plan___we didn't agree.A.that B.which C./ D.to which2.She brought forward a plan ___we couldn't accept.A./ B.for which C.to which D.of which为什么第一个选D,第二个选A,有什么区别么?请详解 主谓倒装、宾语后置用英语怎么说 His father seems to his idea.A.agree with B.agree on C.agree to D .agree 英语中定语从句什么时候主谓倒装 Please call them and ask them to come here___(立刻)我不得不在今天完成余下的工作I have to finish___ ___ ___ the work today他刚刚用英语向大家做了自我介绍He__ ___ ___ us in English just now如果有人请我演电影、 Can a plane fly ------- the Atlantic Ocean? get an Share an idea什么意思啊 L've got an idea 是什么意思 Atlantic Ocean和Atlantic他们都表示大西洋,请问有何区别? ocean怎么读 Atlantic Ocean是哪个国家 请教各位that、what 和 which 在集中名词性从句中分别充当什么成分?麻烦举例子详细说明, 名词性从句中关于which和that!我想请问各位大虾~在名词性从句中(除同位语)如何选用which和that?判断依据是什么?是不是that不承担成分且无意义,而which承担成分且有意义?(详解)一楼那位很 为什么黄河不是我国第二大河 lucy适合哪类女孩的英文名 想学习英语,本人今年21岁,已经参加工作了,一直下决心,想把英语补一补,却不知用什么办法,小弟深表惭愧,以前一直也上英语课,但原来没兴趣,上了跟没上差不多,音标都不会,哎,现在意识到他 怎样学英语呢,好想学,就是不知道该知道开始?请大家支招. 复数根号(2-2ai)/(a+2i)的模为根号2,则实数a的值是多少 设a是正实数.则复数z=a-1+(根号a)i 的模的取值范围是?答案是根号3/2到正无穷 左闭右开区间 复数(2^(-1/2)-2ai)/(a+2i)的模为根号2,则实数a的值是? 英语主谓什么时候倒装什么时候不倒装 the pacific ocean is smaller than the atlantic ocean(翻译并判断是否正确)帮帮忙.. Is the Dead Sea saltier than the Pacific Ocean?中文翻译 翻译:Australia,with the Pacific ocean to the east and the Indian Ocean to the west 已知复数z=(-1+3i)*(1-i)-(1+3i),w=z=ai(a属于R),当|w/z|≤根号2时,求a的取值范围.