
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:16:32
一个英语朗读的问题.that's the truth其中的that's的音ts和the的ð是否可以连读 谁能详细解释恒心日与地球日 为什么每次考英语四级时的汉译英都答不对啊.不是单词不认识,是想不起来用哪个单词和词组. 从“司空见惯,大惊小怪,无独有偶,独一无二,见微知著,以偏概全”中选择三个造一段有中心的话 HOW还是WHAT interesting news?为什么? I’d have finished the novel if I’d had the time.麻烦解释一下这句话的语法~ She try to best to finished the task in time.这句话有语法错误吗? Sa i go no go mi na sa n yi I am fonding of...还是I am found of... I feel i am found of you but you have gone We are I am made of rubble.You find four of me on an automobile.I am a…的谜底 mong she he ba wang she shei li hai 毅力是什么?如何才能坚持? 求ONE OF A KIND 空间链接! one of a kind的空间链接one of a kind的空间链接 湘菜的特征 求one of a kind空间链接 湘菜有什么特点 乌鸦可以飞上枝头变凤凰吗? 麻雀变凤凰,不一定要飞上枝头.这句话翻译成文言文是什么? 旧巢共是衔泥燕,飞上枝头变凤凰是什么意思 这句英语是什么意思呢After her mother's death,she became acutely aware of her own mortality.After her mother's death,she became acutely aware of her own mortality.上海高口,我行的!是不是有什么遗传病什么的啊,有gripped by 为什么会觉得英语难学 白云亭中的“亭谢之胜”的胜的意思? 插上枝头变凤凰 “这节课的难点是句子“用英语怎么说 Ko-I-Bi-To-Yo Sa-Yo-Na-Ra “明与暗”“新与旧”“条件与结果”的名言 事例 写议论文用的 Was it in the beautiful park( )was located by the sea( )we first met our new Chinese teather?A.where;that B.which;which C.that;that D.which;where该题正确答案应选C,说明其他几项为什么不对, there is a beautiful park in our n( ),WE can take a walk in it after dinner 1.Our school is near a park,so we ofen see beautiful flower___ the classroom.A.in B.to C.from D.with2.The kind boy helps his classmates_____ with their English study.A.a lot B.a lot ofC.manyD.lots of