
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:29:47
现在的鸟不在天上飞却都在地下跑 fold怎么读 I have two beers beer为什么加s 求翻译~wow相关“你的心如利箭,在风中笔直地飞翔.” “英雄,愿你有一份无悔的爱情.” 发到wow版里去没什么回复……转战这里了,大仙比较多~~~~ 麻烦啦^_^敢不敢别用翻译器啊- -~ 用那个我也 __________ we had yestersay!A.what fun B.how fun 选哪个? you have to use it to get to the other side of the 貌似这是意大利语~LA DIFERENCIA ENTRE UN AMIGO Y UN AMIGO PARAGUAYO.Un amigo es alguien que nunca te pide comida.Un amigo paraguayo es la raz¨?n por la que organizas una comida.Un amigo te pregunta c¨?mo est¨?Un amigo paraguayo te dice mbae 填单词borrowers are e_ to return books on time如题 横线处需要填什么,感激不尽. My hat is red.用what colour改成特殊问句 请教he's not reading newspaper请问这句可以写成he isn't reading newspaper吗? There [ ] some [ ] Aare food Bare foods Cis food Dis foods ever time you look into your my eyes意思!BY2成人礼里的“这叫爱”里的一句歌词!一定要准!还有额外积分! look forwards to my first one ever in china.ever在里面做什么成分? 求 Every Time I Look In To Your Eyes 伴奏带 Whatever happened,never regret中文是什么意思 有什么s开头的英文名 NEVER REGRET FOREVER!翻译! 帮忙把"乌兰浩特市行政局"翻译成蒙文! 去乌兰浩特玩,乌兰浩特的朋友进来介绍一下.我想和朋友去乌兰浩特的成吉思汗庙玩,不知道里面有什么好玩的娱乐项目吗?乌兰浩特有经济实惠的内蒙古小吃吗?乌兰浩特有蒙古包吗?还有什么 "China is in summer,everywhere hot!" 是独立主格结构的句子吧? I _____(give) you a message as soon as I receive his letter No man is wise at all times翻译 翻译 The man who is a bove his business may one day find his business above him that piece of music sounded very后面是加well,beautiful,wonderfully,还是加beautifully? Is.there a river on the village?不对请改正过来. shane这个英文名是男是女? shane这个英文名字的发音该是怎样的阿? 关于 shane 这个英文名字的...看了The L world ,特别喜欢里面的shane,好象westlife组合中也有个叫这个名字的,这个名字是男名吗? he is going to be a basketball match他要参加足球比赛英语怎么说 my father is ( ) a basketball match.He looks very ( ) My brother is______,when he watches the_______ basketball match.( )A.exciting,excited B.exciting,exciting C.excited,excited D.excited,exciting have a lovely day 怎么用英语回答