
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:15:30
there were about nine hundred people at the concert(一般疑问句) There were about nine hundred people at the concert 改疑问句 There were no about nine hundred people at the concert 可以吗 There were about nine hundred people at the concert 改否定句 There were no about nine hundred people at the concert 可以吗 高中复数练习请问1/(1-i)的共轭复数是什么,怎么得出的还有.w=-1/2+根号3/2i,则1+w=?请付过程,谢谢 书籍是人类进步的阶梯 从中得到了什么启示 热爱读书吧,书籍是人类进步的阶梯 演讲稿 书是人类进步的阶梯.你喜欢读书吗,请说明理由理由能长点吗, 用一根长36厘米的铁丝围成一个正方形框架,再用一根同样长的铁丝做成一个长12厘米的长方形.长方形的面积是正方形面积的几分之几?要有算式 书是人类进步的阶梯,哪一本书,给你带来进步?讲讲一次因读书而进步的历程 用一根36厘米的铁丝做成一个正方形框架,再用一根同样长的铁丝做成一个长12厘米的长方形.长方形的面积是正方形面积的几分之几? 日加立字念什么 1,600,wild,China,there,in,about,are,pandas,the,in 八岁小孩子学英语用复读机还是其它什么辅助? I' d like to go to see the giraffe 改为一般疑问句 There are about _100_ tigers in the wild in china就划线部分提问,___ ___ tigers are there in the wild in China 改错:There is(A) about 1600 pandas(B) in the wild(C) in China. “There are about 1,600 phands in the w_ in China.”的W后面应该填什么单词?请大家帮我想一下 ,我觉得因该是卧龙,但不知对不对 根据句子意思和所给首字母拼写单词:There are about 1,600 pandas in the (w ) in China. 呼吁大家热爱读书的发言稿怎么写 (sit) down and (have)a cup ot tea. 怎么填(sit) down and (have)a cup ot tea. 怎么填 ( )7.-Sit down and have a cup of tea.- A.I sit down.B.I have a cup of tea C.Thank you( )8.一Can I see your watch?- .A.That's OK B.OK C.OK.It's not here( )9.-What's the time?一 .A.Yes,it's a clock B.It's the timeC.It's eight o'clock( )10.- 英语选择 Sit down and have acup of tea.-_____ A ,I sit down B I have a cup of tea C,Thank you 改错:Sit down but have a cup of tea 改一处 1.XiaoMing is a Chinese boy . 2.Sit down and have a cup of tea?找错快!加50分 高中【复数】的题目.帮忙啊.1.设复数Z满足(1-Z)/(1+Z)=i,求|Z+1|的值.2.若复数Z满足Z=(1+ti)/(1-ti) ,求Z所对应的点Z的轨迹方程.3.设Z属于C且|Z|=2,则(1)复数3Z对应的点位于什么位置.(2)复数3Z 请问‘绿’‘那’字的笔画每一笔该怎么读?一定要正确的啊.正确的我一定把分数给你.决不食言.麻烦用中文把这两个字的笔画正确的按顺序写说来.谢谢急、、、 画绿色的那几个字怎么读? were there any left or not? were there any left or not是什么意思 down,please,Mike,sit,Jim,and(连词成句) 英语中的定语从句,状语从句等从句分别是怎样判断的?请说说,如果有必要,也可以说说代词那些分别施舍么? please sit down 连词成句 No buses ran through that street and there was no taxis in sight.大街不是没有覆盖物的吗?为什么用throughrun through怎么用的?