
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:15:07
求助几道英语语法题!> 英语翻译today,no American family can be secure against the danger that one of its children may decide to become an artist.这篇文章讲的是因为用National Endowment for the Arts,人们对于艺术的观念改变了. SAT OC一道语法societies acting through their governments make the rules (to state) which acts are illegal,but although war is the most violent of human activities,it has not been declared illegal by any of the world's governments or their agencie sat oc 语法题1.(Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services,he) failed to keep either of them after the election.(A) Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services,he (B) The candidate,having prom 设函数f(x)=ax^2+bx+c,且f(1)=-a/2,3a>2c>2b,求证:a>0且-3 温州市七年级语文《针对性训练》单元检测(五) 高中好词好段摘抄 1-(c^2-a^2)x^2-2ax+ac^2x^3因式分解 温州市七年级上册数学单元检测第五章.一元一次方程 (1)根据规律,在数表中,数a=(),数b=().PS:11 -11 -2 11 -3 3 -11 -4 6 -4 11 -5 10 a 5 -11 -6 15 b -6 1. 找规律,填数字.请说清楚是什么样的规律!1、6、16( )、51、( )106、47问题打错了,不好意思!1、6、16( )、51、( )、106、141 那一天我终于战胜了自己 分解因式,2分之1x的3次方-2x m的平方(a-2)+m(2-a) ax的3次方y+axy的3次方-2ax的平方y的平方2分之1x的3次方-2xm的平方(a-2)+m(2-a)ax的3次方y+axy的3次方-2ax的平方y的平方 那一天我终于战胜了自己孟庆涛阅读答案 那一天我终于战胜了我自己阅读答案 (金杯)温州市七年级下册英语针对性测试Unit5答案 (金杯)温州市七年级上册英语性测试Unit4答案 高中酸碱中和滴定 哪些仪器需要润洗哪些不需要?分别有怎样的影响?说说原理, (金杯)温州市八年级英语下名校零距离检测十一 Unit10 我现在读高一,下学期就要分科了.我对数学和物理都比较感兴趣,可,数学150满分,我得50多分,物理就只得的到总分的一半,而且学着也有些吃力,如果选文,我对历史和政治还比较感兴趣,可地理就 初三下学期读高一下学期本人初三复读生,但后悔复读了.我想,现在就不读初三,现在利用现在和寒假的时间读高一上学期的内容.下学期就读高一. 高一寒假语文应该看些什么书为高一下学期上课答题做准备?RT课外知识的不好意思我说的是书名 我是高2013级文科生;我现在是高二整整两学期没有上课;高一读到下学期中途没读的;打算今年9月继续读高三问能不能考上本科 2本或者3本; 以前的成绩大概是 文综180左右 英语60 也就是 y=2x分之1+1是什么函数,一次函数,正比例函数,常值函数 已知一次函数y=3分之2x-1,自变量x取何数值时,函数y的对应值分别为-1、0、1? 4-9选择, 9.What‘s the weather like today It's cloudy.I think it ______ (rain) soon.10.We ________ (hold) a class meeting this Friday .11.When ______ John _______ (play) football tomorrow?12.How long ________ it ________ (take) to get to the bus station tomo 英语翻译他告诉tom做什么和怎么做jack跑得比班上其他任何一个男生都快他想知道如何处理这个问题我不想远足,他也是jim想当一名医生,我也是校长高度评价她的演讲 详解下面各题的选项3.Alice is going camping with girls.A.little two other B.two other little C.two 1ittle other D.little other two8.came that his should be kept secret.A.A word; words B.The word; word C.Word; words D.Words; Word11.I don’t k 英语翻译For all their talk about ecology,major companies have so far spent very little to fight pollution.划线:“For all their talk about ecology”这句话怎么会是对的啊?请指教.还有一题:An amateur herself,the accountant off 开学第二天的日记,怎么写? lucy is a girl.()is in Class Twojane and mary are students and ()are friends.mr yang is 40 years old.()job is at a bus station.miss li is ()english teacher.look at that girl!is()betty?are these your coats? no,they are ()coats.I mean those boy'