
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 19:46:22
口齿要用“清晰”来形容还是“清楚”? 某开发商在某市政府对面有33亩土地,地价500/亩,四面临街,其中两条为城市主干道.规划要求:建筑密度不超过35%,容积率不大于5.试策划开发此项目,并为开发商定价.已知某市平均房价5000元/平 jump in the 直接引语变间接引语的时态问题书上说表示引述的状态和情况到现在仍是事实时,也经常用一般现在时.书上有句话I can speak three languages变为She said she could speak three languages.我觉得can不应该变啊 过去式语法是She took a trip yesterday还是She was took a trip yesterday最好讲一讲原因 《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》句子赏析!1.“在这一段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝状绝的景致,使我们经过这段道路的人,感到一种壮美的趣味.但这种壮美的趣味,没有雄健的精神是不能够感觉到 文法检查 语法好的进 要过去式In other word,maybe it was God?God had given him too much on the success of his bussiness,but ignored his health and luck.God was fair.I also think that he was a very brave and intellective Navy too.In the fal 法语语法 先过去式和简单过去式的区别先过去式和简单过去式有什么区别举例说明甚好 相对原子质量计算完全不懂,挑了一题ag二价金属M溶于稀硫酸中完全反应,生成bg氢气,该金属的相对原子质量 《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》是一篇用_________形式写的"黄歌颂"、民族精神颂 ____.l'm not well.thank you.A how old are you?B how are you?C what do you do?D how do you do?what club does gorge want to join?the art club.___.l think so.A can he paint well?B does he paint well or bad?C what can he do in the club?D when does the cl 和音BABY ONE MORE TIME谢谢 伴奏要有和音 中国天然气集团公司的英文怎么写一定要全拼,不是CNPC!谢啦^-^ Baby One More Time 中国化工集团公司 英语怎么说 we practised speak English every morning.这句话为什么用 practised? 中国二汽集团 的英文怎么说?RT 旋转木马依靠什么运动 求approve 和approve of的用法 she is going to Tibet in December对划线部分提问(in December) kindsof,many,shop,are,cards,there,a,in,gift.连词成句 找清朗、全神贯注、高雅、津津有味的反义词越多越好, 稳稳当当的反义词是什么? 清朗、高雅、全神贯注、津津有味的反义词是什么? 自带酒水者 酒店收取服务费 这句话怎么翻译 men are born ignorant,not stupid;they are made stupid by education 里的education泛指什么呢?具体点我也知道啊。那是单单指接受到的知识吗? It will be better than playing computer games all day.为什么playing要加ing.在这里than是不是介词 It will be better than --- computer games all day,这里than是连词还是介词.than后面为什么加doing than是不是加动名词 Weighng seven hundred pounds,______ A.she could not move the piano B.the piano should not be moveC.the piano was unable to move D.the piano was too heavy for her to move 请写出日本至少5个主要城市? approve of造个句 简单但是要用的对不要太长太复杂华丽的