
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:46:59
coreldraw中怎样将N个2,2.2的椭圆变成2的圆就是很多个椭圆,我怎样能把他们都变成我想要的半径为多少的圆?不一个一个变可以吗? tooling和mold 在表达模具时,有什么区别? advanced和progressive的区别区别在哪里 哪个更高级 tooling shot什么意思? things not going as well as especting这样用对么? 请教一个关于模具的问题:Hard tooling 和 soft tooling 的区别是什么 tooling catalogue是什么?我翻译过来是模具目录,是不是?急, You did so well in this little thing,___now I can believe you with many things.A.what B.why C.that为什么?请说明原因,准确的可以追加财富 用"畅”字组词填空.(不重复)( )友情 心情( ) ( )书籍 开怀( ) ( )无阻 ( )未来 ( )长江 呼吸( ) 在向右以速度v0匀速行驶的火车上,一乘客向后水平抛出一物体,由站在地面上的人看来,该物体的运动轨迹可能是下图中的? soft tooling是什么意思 请问precision tooling是什么意思?模具类英语,还有 die,casting分别是什么意思? by any means一般用于句首吗?用于句首时后面的句子倒装吗? "她总是津津乐道于自己已经取得的成绩"这句话中用津津乐道这个成语正确吗?急 成语词汇量多的同志表错过~成语之最(如:最难做的饭——无米之炊)最大的手( )最大的嘴( )最高大的巨人( )最短的季节( )最悬殊的差距( )最洁净的东西( )最大的树叶( 成语词汇量多的同志表错过~(2)含有十二生肖用来比喻人的词语1.比喻人人讨厌、受人谴责的人.()2.比喻任劳任怨、埋头苦干的人.()3.比喻外貌善良.实际心狠手辣的人.()4.比喻温顺 词汇量多的进来,写成语.我名字里有个‘明‘字,求高人给些带明字成语,用来做q名,适合的,励志的就行.我在这等着. by no means 能引起倒装吗!求例句 We'll get you dialed in with some 大概意思是“我会给你们安排一些房间”,但不知道这里的dial bag何意思, Do you like some globes___animals in them?A with Bof 囫囵吞枣是褒义词还是贬义词 猫与老鼠 CHAT ET LA SOURIS LE怎么样 法语unité chat f.字典里有好多:unité chat f.猫单位 unité cobaye f.豚鼠单位 unité grenouille f.蛙单位 unité lapine f.兔单位 unité rat f.鼠单位 unité souris f.小鼠单位 unité véhicule ... 单项选择 连词成句 初一的四道单项选择和三道连词成句 、1.-Mary,what are you doing?-I am looking____ my dictionary ,I want to look ____ a new word in ti.A.for:up B.for;for C.up;up D up;for2.If you get a tiger angry ,it will become _______A.polite B.fierc 选择和连词成句1.Those are the___books.A.teacher' B.teachers' C.teachers's2.Where is__No.3 school?It's near__cinema.A.\,the B.the,the (1-3)单项选择、(4-5)连词成句Li Ming's uncle is his aunt's ().A.brother B.sister C.sonEveryone is my family () quiet.A.are B.sleep C.isI'm sending these postcards () Canada.A.for What makes you depressed(郁闷) on your birthday is that you realize your re- 英语翻译early effort for writting reform and making a new writting system by ethnic minorities was held in 50's.language ideas and soviet politics model have also contributed in making of People's republic of China.therefore,this kinf of effort h enjoy a chinese lunch 还是enjoy chinese lunch 1.Have you done in the service industry?2.Other service industries are also very selective.Why you choose McDonald's?3.You talk about a function organized on their own once .4.Health is the cause of the happy life and the success,How do you maintain