
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:46:03
1.I was asked to make a speech .这句是过去时吗?为什么make不用made了?2,disappointed和disappoinment的区别是什么?3.remark和notice,observed的区别是什么?4.in case的用法有那些了?我知道了是被动语态咯- - Yesterday the League secretary and monitor ____ asked to make a speech at the meeting.A.is B.was C.are D.were请问为什么, We are often asked to make a speech in life.Most of us are afraid of it and don’t do a good job.Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one.First of all,find out everything you can about your subject and at the same time find ou 为什么说中国近代史既是一部屈辱史又是一部抗争史 cosa-根号3sina可化为( ) _______from the top of the TV tower,we can get a beautiful sight of most of the city.A to seeB seenC seeing D see请问怎么选啊?没有and的T T Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks beautiful这一句中,seen是独立主格,它和city是被动的关系,在语法上不存在主谓或者动宾的关系.从山上看城市很美,城市是被看的,所以独立主格用的是看的过去 根号3sinA+cosA为什么等于2sin(A+6/派) y=cosA+根号3sinA ①y=2sin(A+π∕6)② 从①到②是怎么倒的 根号(3sinA)+(根号2)cosA=0,A Often it is in overcoming hardships that we come to appreciate the value of life! I felt it a great honor to be asked to speak to you.这里it是形式宾语,a great honor是什么? Being invited to speak here is a great honor for me为什么要用being I felt it an honor to be asked to speak here.真正的宾语是哪部分? It's a honor for me to speak here对吗honor不是不可数名词吗为什么加a 若3的x次方=tan(派\6),则tan(派+2x)= 已知y=tan的3次方(ln x)求y 管宁封还赠物文言文翻译 文言文 管宁封还赠物管宁与励原,华音为友,时天下大乱,宁闻公孙度令行海内外,遂与原及太原王烈等俱至辽东. 英语翻译 翻译一下这些古文《孟母三迁》《管宁、华歆共园中种菜》《自述苦学》《推敲》《诗词改字》拜托了 点击放大 sofa的复数形式是什么啊,英语中指谁的一家应该怎么说,比如Mary的一家.还是a photo of yours这个句子对吗, 求十道七年级数学趣味题,急需! sofa的复数形式 "手可摘星辰"前一句是什么啊?叫什么名字啊? 危楼高【 】尺,手可摘星辰. 50的一半是多少?列成乘法算式是( )乘( ) 8的十分之七是多少,列成乘法算式是什么 The classroom building is behind the playground.对画线部分提问()()the classroom building? The classroom building for Grade 9 it is behind the library.这句话是病句吗?意思是:九年级的教学楼在图书馆的后面.问:英文翻译的对么? The playgrand is behind the Classroom building.(换种说法意思不变)