
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:44:10
我怎么觉得初二英语好难学啊~各位有什么办法么? out english take book your连成一句话 It is a good idea to take the book with you when you are on your vacation是什么意思 英语翻译I was married to a korean national in south korea and later we moved to the uk and the marriage broke down.she has not yet taken british citizenship and we are no longer together additionally im living somewhere else in asia now.we've bee 一小段英语翻译(翻译机免)翻译内容:邮件收悉,我们非常愿意按你们的建议结付剩余款项.但是,按照我们公司财务的规定,我们必须收到你们签回的合同后才能结付.目前,我们尚未收到该业 智慧伴我成长怎么写 英语翻译In hangzhou,the six harmonies pagoda and the temple of the soul’s retreat,already mentioned before,stand out from the rest of attractions.However,close to them is West Lake,which also has a significant position.Far away from these,an at 智慧伴我成长给点范文来,不宜地凝固药自己写的,可以借的.越多越好,多的我给分 英语翻译If the average importance is examined,it is interesting to highlight that the highest appraised tourist products are urban green spaces.Followed by nature attractions,panoramic viewpoints and gastronomy.Monumental heritage appears after t 日常用的塑料饭盒裂了之后可以用什么粘?我怕用502的话会中毒求大神帮助 你们都用什么饭盒带饭到单位吃?我原来用乐扣带饭,不漏汤水.但是用不了多久,就变得黑黑的,洗不干净,太脏了.你们都用什么饭盒带饭到单位吃呢? 一次性塑料饭盒能不能放微波炉加热求大神帮助如题 什么牌的饭盒保温时间长?要能保温5小时 我的主人家英语怎么说 关于等腰三角形的性质问题.有一个15度的角,请在这个角内作等腰三角形,使这个三角形的所有顶点都在这个角的边上,那么请问,最多能作多少个符合条件的等腰三角形?谢谢了.那么这样可不可 有谁知道塑料餐具杯碗餐盒之类底部的字母含义吗? 实施科教兴国发展战略,我们青少年能做些什么? 不锈钢饭盒可以放进冰箱冷藏吗 科教兴国的发展战略1、 科技的作用2、 我国为什么必须重视发展科学技术?3、 为什么要重视教育?4、 为什么要实施科教兴国发展战略?5、 怎样实施科教兴国发展战略? 我是深大附中新生,问一下学长们,餐具中包括那些,饭盒要什么形状的,大小,不锈钢的,还是塑料的, My parents wasn't very happy with my exam resultsThe teacher told the girl to come in but she doesn‘t want to改错 I am very blessed with a happy family ,____where my parents show enough respect to meone it what 还是that I have a happy family.Although my parents are very busy,they try their best to take good care of me.I think I should do something for them.Yesterday was Sunday.I got up earlier than usual.After washing,I swept the floor,watered the plants and then I ELLE的读音是什么我和以前的同学一直都念[eli],但后来,被其他同学耻笑,说应该念[ela],再后来,发现念[ilai]的也有,到底该念什么呢 也字少一笔念什么? Elle的英文读法真的搞混了,各种答案都有.艾拉,艾儿,艾丽都有.忘说了,是杂志的那个Elle哦! elle杂志的读音是什么啊.ELLE Elle的读法和Ella的读法有什么区别? 西安大唐西市在哪 ELLE的中文是什么品牌名称? 冬去山明水秀.有谁知道下句 冬去山明水秀的下联是什么属对