
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:20:50
what is your English I have never liked questions like that,so I said nothing.为什么前后时态不一致?前面用现在完成时,后面却一般过去时 i said it,i said it again.i never wanna be come这是哪首歌的歌词i said it,i said it again.i never wanna be come.stuck in ur machine and as i moved on,thought i'd blow my mind.” 观察水沸腾. 翻译成汉语 He leaves his home at 6:30.Then he walk to the lift,and it takes him down to the first floor. Every morning his lift _____ him up to the ninth floor and down to the first floor in the afternoonA.lifts B.take C.by D.uses 物理 观察水的沸腾某组同学做《观察水的沸腾》实验,向烧杯中注入适量的温水,用酒精灯给烧水加热,用温度计测量水温,当水温升到90℃时开始计时,每隔1min温度计的示数如图2-8所示,请根据温 “大象有一点有趣”的英文 画出小鱼关于直线l的轴对称图形 照样子写词语,画-小鱼-( ) 学-( )-( ) 练-( )-( ). come 怡人一阵阵凉风吹来,果儿点头,散发出怡人的香味. 谁发现了火星? 《神秘的火星》阅读答案 据媒体8月1日报道,美国宇航局的“凤凰”号火星登陆器证实,火星这颗红色的行星上确实存在有“水冰”形式的水.据悉,这是人类首次通过科学仪器得到地球以外行星上的水.这一重大发现立即 杺怡一词语含义 When people talk about the cities in the US ,the first ( ) comes into their rheir minds is New YorkA.of which B.of whom C.one D.that When people talked about the cities of U.S.the first_comes into mind is New York.应填one 还是that,为什么呢? Don`t get that ink on the shirt.,for it will not wash out1 为什么不是 won't be wash out?2 如果不用wii not,是不是就变成 it not wash out 如何给小鱼在自然水中制作氧气 take him for a friend 应用题:小红、小云、小丽三人赛跑,小红比小丽快十分之一,小云比小丽慢十分之一,小红的是小云的多少倍问题是不是上面的:小红的速度是小云的多少倍? 小红,小丽,小云三人赛跑,小红比小丽快10分之1,小云比小丽慢10分之1.小红的速度是小云的多少倍 take him as?for?Taking him ( ) the well-known movie star,they gave him a warm welcome.A.upon B.as C.for D.into 请写出表示"第一"的词六个以上 防洪小知识有哪些 自我分析的方法有哪些 1968 MARCHING IN THE STREETS怎么样 GOLD IN THE STREETS怎么样 they are tired of the traffic ,the pollution in the a___and the rubbish in the streets . hungry streets got after luck tried and a walk in long the 连词成句 题目是东南亚有世界上最大的群岛国家( ),这里火山、地震频繁,有“( )”之称;南亚经济发展最快的国家