
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:14:57
can i help 算祈使句么? yea same here i can help you怎么改成祈使句急要 谢谢! Same Here 可以当做英文名吗?如题 怎么样? same here和me too 有什么区别吗 用发上面? Where is the BeiJing? where is beijing?的同义句是什么 in the past ,pooples living conditions were poor 是i wonder where you lived in the past 还是i wonder where were you lived in the past 求古文中.之字的几种翻译? “为什么”在古文里有几种翻译 文言文的“虽然”有几种翻译? Where is Beijing?Beijing is ____ ____ ____. 英文java题Question 3.(a)Write a Java definition for a class Person defined byname The name of the personage The person’s ageheight The person’s height (in meters)(you need to decide what is the type of each attribute).The class should contain Java Suppose that you are given a list of daily gains (increases) in the price of a stock.The investment threshold is defined as the number of days that you must hold that stock before the accumulated gains reach a certain total.For example,if your g write a class P2 which has a main method and an isLonger method.The isLonger method -is static -takes two Strings as parameters-returns a boolean-use an appropiate method of the String class to find the length of each String-returns true if the first 懂英文,学过java的朋友进来帮帮忙(一道作业题)Question 4In this question you will extend the BankAccount class to include additional support forrepresenting the interest rate that is applied to the account.1.Add an additional insta 大家谁走英语听力四级的音频文件啊,最好有原文的.有的话请发给 我吧. here the same but different 歌词 Where is happiness?怎么读出来?怎么用中文读出来? 1.where is Beijing 2.where is Sanya 根据实际情况回答问题 懂英文的,女孩子最好哈,进来.帮我去个英文名:我的名字叫:陈亮 陈亮的陈,陈亮的亮.记住哦,拜托你们不要 取一些,dog啊什么什么KING啊什么的.我受不了,取个有建设性的,写上名字的意思.大 根据句意解释括号里面词语的含义.可是他们的性格和为人却(截然不同) 根据句意,解释下面括号内的多义词1.收获:【1.春天播种,秋天(收获).2.这次学习,(收获)很大.】2.自然:1.【看着友人拿走自己的劳动果实,心里(自然)特别喜欢.2.他是初次演出,但演得 别人说glad to meet you.我回答 same here会不会不礼貌? 根据句意解释括号里面词语的含义他时而激情满杯时而(义愤填膺)有时热烈激动有时雄辩过人 He is a kind man.Every else will m___________ him if he moves to beijing.填词 很easyA short style ____(suit) you best用正确形式填空.看了半天还是觉得原形- - 一道超easy的英文题 同义句转换How do you like this house?_____ do you _______ ________ ______ this house?说明:how do you like/enjoy/find.不是等于what do you think of/about ...难道是卷子印错了?是三个空哎 easy的英语题A:Hello.B:Oh,good morning,Is ______ Mrs Smith speaking?A:Yes,who's that?B:This is Li Ming from No.10 Middle School.A:______ can I do for you?B:I want to _______ a book on football.Are there _______ in your library?A:Oh,you're lucky.We 英语翻译1、你知道为什么口感这么独特么,因为百事可乐在不同的口感中搭配着不同的营养成分 在缤纷的口味中让我们品尝着到了快乐的味道2、哈哈 ,你知道,百事可乐在不同的地方有着不同 他不再带眼镜 翻译成英语