
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:40:20
Can you imagine what life will be like in _______time?A 20 years' B 20 year 's C 20-years' D 20 year 选什么说出道理并翻译出来可以吗 What will you be doing this time tomorrow?是什么时态 less than( )lived there two( )ago.A.hundred of people,hundreds years B.hundreds of peoples,hundred years C.hundreds of people,hundred years D.hundreds of people,hundreds year Less than ( ) lived there two ( ) ago.A,hundreds of people,hundred years.B .hundreds of people ,hundreds year.选择哪个啊?为什么?(另hundred 不是不加S ) Many years ago,there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town.B翻译 是less people 还是fewer people? When turning round,she found herself ______by a man in black glasses .(follow) He found a man _____the garden when he got homeHe found a man _____the garden when he got home.A.was cleaning B.cleaning这可能是一个find.doing 的结构 所以选b 但是可以这样认为么:he found 后面省略了一个that 宾语从句 when he awoke ,he found himself after by an old manbeing looked 或 looked选地二个答案,为什么 Lily can ride a bike. (对画线部分提问)线画在 ride a bike 那里. Lucy can ride a bike对ride a bike画线提问 I can ride a bike .(划线部分提问)ride a bike 是划线的 She wants to (ride a bike).对括号内容提问 Of all the longest living people in the world,few of them are millionaires.翻译 tens of thousands of people 和tens of thousands more people的微小差别?如何翻译? tens of thousands of people 如何翻译.若译为1万的话 为什么不用ten thousand people?相对哪种地道些? the the are I box coats brown think in .连词成句 明天交的, I think they are in the box box要不要负数形式 3.the box purple are the flowers in 4.coats their are brown 把这两句分别组成疑问句 the others are blue.there're some cards in the tree.the cansies are in a box.the box is green.什么意思? There are (some blue coats )on the sofa对划线部分提问 I often ride a bike to school.(同义句改写)I often _________ _______ ________ ___________ _________. I often ride my bike to school 用tomorrow改写句子 we look at the writings of the people who lived then.这个句子如何翻译? 翻译:the day when we once lived and the people once we loved,will never come back 英语翻译用软件的不要~We are looking for people who want the world’s leaders to be accountable to,and supportive of,them personally. 求翻译:People are crossing the street looking at their cell phones and using walking sticks in order to see. Meat has been sold out in this shop.We can __now.A.have been sold,get nothing B.has been,askedMeat has been sold out in this shop.We can __now.A.have been sold,get nothing B.has been,askedC.have been,asked D.have,been asked will have been sold out 是什么语法 were sold和have been sold的区别 The old man ____ lived here for more than 20 years.添have 还是 has? Turner,a __man who has lived in the city for more than 50 years.A.79 years old B.79-year-oldC.79-years-old D.79 year old