
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:15:34
一吨白灰等于多少方 ( )she like her father no she ( )like her mother Many people say she ____(take after) father.But I think she is like her mother如题Many people say she____(take after) father.But I think she is like her mother.各位学霸们速度啊... She doesn't look like her mother.She____(take)after her father. 小球在水中漂浮时容器底和地面受到的压力分别是多少、沉底呢用g球、g水、f浮表示 一立方生石灰等于多少立方白灰 Lucy looks like her mother,_______?应该填isn't she?还是doesn't she? she finds her mother looks----her grandpa very much.应该选A.at B,like She ____her mother. a,looks like b, looks the same 是不是这两个答案都对呢? 将重力为19.6牛的铝球慢慢地浸没在一个盛满水的的溢杯中时,从溢杯中溢出9.8牛的水,铝球受到的浮力是几牛 歇后语茶壶有嘴是什么,(急) ”嘴上抹石灰”歇后语的下半句是什么? 歇后语:牛角抹了油—?(下一句是什么)是歇后语 趣味歇后语.猫捉老鼠狗看门——贵州驴子学马叫——,麻雀飞进烟囱里_____________,蚂蚁搬家———,王八吃秤砣————————,屎壳郎戴花——————————-,骑驴看唱本—————— 帮我算一下一个质量50克,体积是0.00006立方米的物体,放入水中,求物体受到的浮力? 一个物体的质量为2千克,体积为0.03立方米,求静止时的浮力?(在水中) 一块浮在水中时,露出水面体积为0.000006立方米,它的总体积为0.000008立方米,求物块在水中受浮力为多大?(2)物块的密度为几? she does. 这个does 如何翻译?Kate has been slow to realize the teasing, but now she does.Kate 慢慢意识到是在开玩笑,后面应该如何翻译? “Does she like music”怎么读? 白灰粉是灰钙粉吗?不是的话,那两者有什么区别? 如何用白灰粉除潮要是屋子里返潮呢 What is he like?正确翻译 与What does he look like?得区别 为什么要给树刷白灰?请说明具体原因,谢谢!请说明具体原因啊!比如为什么刷了石灰就防冻?为什么刷了石灰就防虫? 一条路长2600米 宽6米 铺白灰5厘米 需要多少吨白灰1方等于多少吨白灰 这个比较重要 某课外活动小组,在探究 沉浮条件时,将重100克的物体放... what are they like对还是what do they like What do you like?中文翻译 What ___ do they like? 英语翻译这句话的前后语境:people know what they do; they frequrently know why they do what they do; but what they don't know is what what they do does. 如何提高白灰的钙量是按什么比例进行加工的? 白灰中的全钙怎么测定啊 钙质白灰和镁质白灰怎样划分