
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:57:59
pm在英文里代表什么? 一道物理题, 一定要写出很全面的分析过程!如图所示电路中,当滑动变阻器滑片P向右移动时,电压表V与电流表A的读数将是 如图所示,质量为M=4kg的木板长L=1.4m,静止在光滑的水平地面上,其上端右侧静置一个质量为m=1kg的小滑块,小滑块与模板之间的动摩擦因数为μ=0.4.今用一水平力F=28N向右拉木板,要使小滑块从木板 七年级英语、速度1. The letter is from my pen pal (对画线部分提问、my pen pal)____ _____ the letter __________?2.Does Lucy speak Chinese?(否定回答)3.He live England(改为一般疑问句)______he __ 英语翻译I think he is a good teacher think要不要用过去式? We'd better keep the window ---------- because it is to hot in the room.A.opening B.open C.opened D.to open还有再问一下What 和How 的感叹句的句型 字母ü 大写应该怎么写? 26个手写体英文字母中J的大写上面是否要写一短横? 男朋友用大写英文字母怎么写 大写M手写体先后笔画怎么写 大写的“U”(手写体)带“尾巴”么?(英语) 大写的N手写体先后笔画怎么写? 英文字母手写体(大写)各有多少个笔画?请问英文字母里的E、J、K、M、N、U、V、W和Y,在手写中(大写),各有多少个笔画? Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so (much) used unprecisely and uncritically it (would) be (better) to avoid them 答案给出说much部分错了.为什么?错在哪里?much表示程度不可以么? 英文字母大写Y书写体怎么写 7的英文单词 英语7的单词 英语改错和选择填空改错:Are you see Matt over there under the tree?Are there some people in the park?Look!He can balance at his head!There is some boys in the classroom.选择填空:I can balance on a ball______.Lucy:Can you ____Maths , 英语第七单元第一排第七个单词 英语:选择填空,还有改错题(最好说出原因)1.These are my football shoes.Where are A.you B.yours C.yourself D.yourselves2.A red apple is the short tree and a small bird is the tall tree.A.on;on B.in;in C.on;in D.in;on改错:Where 英语的选择填空、完形填空、改写句子和改错They are new.Please________them well.A.look after B.look at C.look the same D.look forCan you______them?A.look B.listen C.behind D.seeWould you like_________dinner with me?A.have B.to have C 英语改错和填空1.Packed in a box,the typist could not find the machine.(改错)填空:1 We expect to _______ business talks with them next week.A.enter in B.enter into C.enter for2 We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to make a d 几个英语填空和改错,谢谢了!填空:1.However,most ______ the time, the girl stays at home and looks after her sick mother.2.WE started our dinner with soup and fruits _____ ____ _____ ____(以吃水果结束,4个空)改错:(有可 用4根小木棍可拼成大写的英文字母“M”,平移其中一根木棒,你能得到另一个大写的英 在你所学过的大写英文字母中,通过适当旋转可以相互重合的字母有 抱着小孩的妇女 蛹英语怎么说 他抱起孩子用英语怎么说 “孩子你是不是累了?我抱着你走吧?”用英语怎么说? 主要用于火灾报警的离子烟雾传感器如图所示,在网罩Ⅰ内有电极Ⅱ和Ⅲ,a、b端接电源,Ⅳ是一小块放射性同位素镅241,它能放射出一种很容易使气体电离的粒子.平时镅放射出粒子使两个电极间 学了一课,叫噪音的危害和控制,做练习时,说,“目前,建筑市场常常使用空心水泥砖,说说空心砖的好处,美女,我们就要交作业啦, 曾经流行过一种自行车,它有能向车头灯供电的小型交流发电机,如图甲为其结构示意图.图中N、S是一对固定的磁极,abcd为固定转轴上的矩形线框,转轴过bc边中点,与ab边平行,它的一端有一直径