
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:17:17
鸟蛋是怎样孵出小鸟的 为什么不属于科学问题鸟蛋的颜色大小不一,但结构都不一,我想知道鸟蛋是怎样孵出小鸟的?这个问题为什么不属于 下属于什么运动悦耳动听的歌声人造卫星围着地球转灿烂的阳光我长高了 我是高中生英语不太好 150的卷子90分 通过读书的方式能否提高英语?大概读什么书呢?我实在不想读课本啊希望英语好的人可以帮下我 新概念第二册开始的可以吗? there is.no.doubt.that shopping has many advantages这句话是宾语从句吗?宾语从句是从句做主句的宾语的意思吗?先行词是doubt?先行词在从句中做什么成分 An open letter protesting the government's foreign policy.这里的protesting为什么要用ing形式,在句子中做什么成份 exotic什么意思 Nervous,she tore open the letter.Nervously,she tore open the letter.为什么这两句话都对? The vowel letters in open syllables 快 受用不尽是什么意思 形容从中得到的好处,一生受用不尽还有呢!全部回答的得的分更多!↓解释带()字词1.让它(荒着怪)可惜的,你们那么爱吃花生,就(开辟)出来种花生吧!荒着_____ 怪_______ 开辟________ improving 亲们 我用英语一直不好 有什么办法让我英语提高没?我也背单词 记语法啊呜呜 可成绩就是不上来郁闷死我了一下就把我成绩拉下来了 英语句子求分析1.It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for true friendship to develop.2.There can be no disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendship we want.先求大神翻 求助英语句子分析“Through the cooperation with John last week found that John is a person with innovation capability."这句好是否有语法错误?为什么?怎么改? Being nursed back to health. physical harm to living being 这句话什么意思啊?怎么翻译啊? (physical harm to living being)i——? this student has seen being physically fit as an end .being physically fit 能改为physical health吗 品质怎么理解 帮我把小英改成相近读音的英文名字 填空"Zip:What do you do on weekends?Zip:What do you do on weekends?Zoom:I ofen play football.I'd like a new f_______.每个“_”填一个字母,组成单词. We were held captive for three months.其中held和captive分别是什么意思,词性,做什么成分.We were held captive for three months.其中held和captive分别是什么意思,词性,做什么成分. 电磁铁在工业.生产.生活中有着广泛的应用,如( )( )( )等 Is that ___ her telpone number?They are ___ apples.怎么填冠词? construction and function of engine-timing 怎么翻译成中文 一见如故中、一碧万顷、一鸣惊人、一无是处、独树一帜中一的意思从“专一”、“同一”、“全、都”、“刚、才”中选一个 Please No Aluminum or Metal in the microwave!Thanks 的最标准的翻译是什么?需要像官方通知一样的标准翻译. 英语翻译达人入 “微 心愿” 作文快 100字 英语翻译我的理解:葡萄牙政府迫于工会与商业团体的压力,反悔之前所做的决定,即通过增加工人养老金缴费金额为企业减税提供财政支持,为此,葡政府受到批评.unions是工会吗?那个when在这是 1.Among the discoveries made possible bythe invention of the telescope they found that dark spots existed on the Sun in varying numbers.they found 哪里错了2.Because his experience in the naval medical corps had been rewarding,Bob applied to medic 求sat阅读全翻译,可追加悬赏,感谢!非常着急拜托了啊