
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:08:42
世界上一共有多少星系? 世界上一共有多少个星系? 共有多少个星系? 河外星系有几个? 寻找象这样的形容春的词语如题,例如:金秋,盛夏,严冬,那么春应该是. If you become rich,you will have a difficult time___(realize)what you real happiness is.Tell me why! 用寒风,劲风,和风,热风,微风,暴风造句 急 用寒风、劲风、和风、热风、微风、暴风各造一个句子要好一点的,千万别乱回答!要贴切实际的,可不要那么拗口的!要好一点的,千万别乱回答!要贴切实际的,可不要那么拗口的!5个都要 用寒风、劲风、和风、热风、微风、暴风各造一句话 I have a hard time(to know/knowing)who my real friends are. 压岁钱怎么花写一段话 Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy翻译成中文 人们发现河外星系有多少个? 太空上有多少个星系? 有多少星系 He likes walk down the street to enjoy the sunshine.改错 We will have a__________after class(discuss) My ______(friend)are at home now My good friends are _____ school today.单词以a开头 we will have a_______ holiday after the examA two months' B two-month为什么不选A Trouble was expected at the football match,so the police turned out in force. We will have a month holiday after the exams这句错在哪里?怎么改正 --exciting news! We will have a -holiday after the exam. A.What an, two months B.How an,two monthsC.What, two-monthD.How, two months 南京大屠杀中日军为何如此残暴?是由于科技发达,还是民族性格所致,抑或是在该历史背景下的思想文化影响?(可以结合史实多方面分析) 过去火星文怎么打? 火星文的“陪你看海”怎么打 直接拿火星文的给我 (根据汉语提示完成句子)1.My pet dog__ my life__great__(充满了乐趣)2.__ __ __ __(又聋又瞎)is unlucky for that little girl. 根据汉语完成句子第一题 i'd like to make fried rice.make为什么不用cook When he got home,he made fire ____(cook)填一个词,填什么? 根据汉语意思完成句子,就是那个第三题 这些单词,用英语怎么说?1.壁炉2.通风管3.床头柜4.衣柜5.白炽灯6.行李箱7.皮鞋8.旅游鞋9.塑胶地毯10.浴缸11.毛巾12.搓澡球/搓澡巾13.洗发露14.洗面乳15.通下水道的吸盘16.夜间应急灯17.烤箱18.烘箱1