
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 12:24:54
关于美德的作文600字以上 弘扬中华美德500字作文提纲(快啊~) 10.08平方米=( )平方米( )平方厘米 写一篇中华儿女报效祖国,为祖国争光的文章的读后感400字 急······谢谢 用分数表示下面各式的得数 7分米=多少米 51毫升=多少升 35千克=多少吨 6平方厘米=多少平方分米 47平方分米=多少平方米 9厘米等于多少分米 70克等于多少千克 5天等于多少周 中华儿女报效祖国文章读后感500字 初一英语完型及阅读理解 面积单位:3/25㎡=( )平方分米 51/100平方分米=( )平方厘米 《海底两万里》读后感怎么写?300字左右, 一道初一英语阅读题Laura works in a bank.She works 40 hours a week.She begins working at eight o’clock in the morning and stops at five o’clock in the afternoon.She has an hour for lunch.At five o’clock the bank closes.Everyone goes hom 初一英语阅读题1Switzerland is a smalll country with high mountains,thick forests and blue lakes.In winter the sun is b_1_ but the air is cold.Peoole go to Switzerland for winter s_2_.They wear warm clothes and sunglasses.They stay at h_3_.Peop 读了中华少年后,你有什么体会 2平方分米5平方厘米=( )平方分米 中华少年读后感 中华少年的读后感要150~200的字啊 不要太多了 4.9平方厘米=()平方分米 中华少年读后感100 2.4平方米:20平方分米. 20平方米2平方分米=( )平方米 2.35平方米=( )平方分米 英语翻译 英语翻译Peter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep,Peter suddenly heard some noise.It came out from the kitchen ( 英语翻译Mr Chen living next door to us has a habit(习惯) of drinking.The best present to him,of course,is wine(酒).Now his eldest son brought him a bottle of Mao Tai.He was glad and drank it up,then wrote “105” on the corner of the tradema 5.9平方米=()平方米()平方分米 "少年中国说"中的"说"是什么意思 全文和解释 少年中国说缩略到1000余字该怎么缩呀.帮个忙好不要浓缩原文不仅只是表情达意,最好是截原文缩到1000字, 问读音,这是什么?车 《少年中国说》中这些字的读法!“脔、棰、澌、翕”知道的请快告诉我!急用! 请教几个读法第一行第一个,请问是保留两个假名本来的读音拼起来还是变成【擦】的读音?第一行第二个,第二行第三个,最后一行最后一个,本来第一个假名是牙齿不碰到嘴唇的,那请问现在仍 请教&的读音 数学题小明在电脑上把一张长6厘米,宽4厘米的照片按比例放大后,长是15厘米,放大后的面积是多少?