
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:56:13
Dear Peterson翻译成中文 You were ,are,and will always be my best friend..Forever and 英语作文 A wondeerful day I have ever had初二水平 就好 帽子种类这种没帽子是属於哪甚麼种类? 请你写一篇关于talking about class rules的作文 make a rule for your class 作文 求Let’s Write Something Down的歌词就是The Perishers 的那首. You're my friend 一首歌,第一句是you're my什么girl韩国歌,第一句是you're my什么(好像是really)girl.好几年的歌了,男的唱的.我的天哪.听不懂话么?是韩语的,韩语的!大哥大姐啊,虽然是韩语的,但别啥韩语歌都往上 滚珠丝杠螺母机构由什么组成 everyone like to get birthday cards请问是everyone在这一句中错啦,还是like或cards错啦? 哪个帮忙写一篇关于选择大公司还是小公司的英语作文呀!200字就够拉 英语作文选择The plane (not only neither) (flew threw) close to the river,(but or) also flew under a bridge.Then it (climbed ran) into the air.The people on the bridge (waved shoot) to the pilot (and yet) he did not notice them.选择括号里 I Turn To You 歌词 山谷的总结规律 两边(),中间(),等高线向()凸出 做矿山六大系统需要安防资质么? 等高线 山谷和鞍部有什么区别? 山谷和鞍部等高线的区别是什么? 在等高线地形图中,两座山峰之间的部位是山谷还是鞍部? English is an interesting subjsct 怎么改感叹句? 描绘下列动物叫时用的词例如:犬吠马_______ 狼_______ The stone under her feet rolled,and as she was____into the river,she called out for help.A.being jumped B.jumped C.pulling D.being pulled I understand:根据句意应该选jump是跳跃吧?所以表示一瞬间的动作,如果选A就是过去进行 关于春天的四字词语三年以下学过的 OK!why do you like penguins?because they are cute ( )( )填空 National Day history a habit is any action that we have performed so often that it becomes something that we doalmost without thinking.some of them are thought to be bad habits.翻译 take you away什么意思 take away 有吸纳的意思吗 The Reading Report 1 of Charlotte's WebChapter 1 "Before Breakfast"Chapter 2 "Wilbur"About Facts1.Who is Mrs.Arable''s daughter?2.Who told Fern some pigs were born last night?3.What name did Fern give her pet?4.Who bought Wilbur?5.Who did Fern talk t It's time to move on.是什麼意思啊 英语作文,帮我看看有没有语法错误和用词不当的,以及怎样修改,非常非常感谢,一鞠躬:) As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above,the Internet is a spider web of thousands of networks,linking schools,universities, I can be both of God and the Devil,since I am trying to raise the dead against the stream of time.翻译这个句子,要它的引伸意,听说是柯南里的一句话,请给为柯南迷们给点答案.不过这个答案以及和它类似的答案是