
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:15:39
大学英语六级的英语听力一般是英式还是美式读法,或者哪个比例更大些呢 如何对付2010年12月英语六级听力的英式发音 What are they doing?--They___(play soccer) 胡敏读故事记单词六级的是美式发音还是英式发音啊?好像是英式的,那再问下胡敏练口语记单词六级里面的对话时英式还是美式?读过四级,时个美国人写的,但六级的成了英国人写的,所 We have so much homework,it is impossible to hand it/them in tomorrow,我认为是them, 许多人交作业 用hand them in 还是hand it in You should c________your homework before you hand in it 与door音标相同单词有哪些? box的音标 The other students in the class keep their eyes The teacher told the students {close} their eyes 用close的什么形式Ask him {come}here please 用come 什么形式 The teacher told the students___to__ {close} their eyes为什么要加to They are playing chess.划线部分提问 piayingchess画线 In china,it is unusual for u____sons and daughters to live separately from their parents i am so happy than you are my friend 翻译 she is a nurse,her job is to look after the children ill in___hospital AtheB/ The young nurse is kind to ____ children ill in hospital A . a B . that C . the D . this How are (your) today?''I'' (am)a letter?Your friend (are) studendly Andy and lily (is) StudentsHow are (your) today?''I'' (am)a letter?Your friend (are) studendly Andy and lily (is) Students Are your friend's mother at home today 改错Are these their coats?Yes,these are.Ask that boy.I think its his racket.His namees are Lucy and Lily.Who's trousers are these?They are Tom's. Ask your friend是什么意思```急求```我朋友一直对我说这话````` You can ask your friends h( )填空 You can ask your friends for h( ) what()you(do)when your father comes back We can eat dinner when your father comes back 中文 新年压岁钱祝贺词,每个人都要,我家有:爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶,哥哥(上班了),大妈,大伯.每个人要句祝贺词,不可以重复 格式例如:爸爸:xxxxxx妈妈:xXXXX弄好,我追加100 英文翻译:Result good difference to go or what to do three zero zero I cannot do without you. 耐磨的人生阅读短文,面对人生的坎坷,作者的朋友对人生的态度有什么变化呢?想一想是什么原因使他发生了 英语翻译英文翻译“一张全家福”.可不可以翻译成a family photo 让我们去征求一下老师的建议吧!_____ _____ our teacher ____ advice. give us some advice 怎么用us ,advice不是名词吗用our It's said that _____of the workers in that factory come from Sichuan and Henan."四分之三"怎么说 写给秋天最新阅读答案写给秋天 罗 兰 尽管这里是亚热带,但我仍从蓝天白云间读到了你的消息.那蓝天的明净高爽,白云的浅淡悠闲,隐约仍有北方那金风乍起、白露初零的神韵.一向,我欣仰你 写给秋天阅读答案