
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:03:24
求bigbang太阳《make love》歌词的翻译 missing u,loving u_u make me cry,u make me smile 翻译 标点符号用英文怎么说? 求问下句英文中标点符号的错误使用It is fully justified,some people consider it in three related fields:At first place,the very short career of sports decide the high salary to sports professionals. 初二英语适当形式词填空1.Mike told me that he ____ (not like) the way the man talked.2.While they ______(perform) on the tage,all the people shouted ______(excite) 这件毛衣很漂亮,它是羊毛的吗?是的,它是上海制的.用英语怎么说? 初二英语(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.If you ______(wear)jeans,we won't leet you in.2.If you ______(not have)your CD card,you can't go to the party.3.If you join the Lions,you'll become a great soccer _____(play).4.I can make a ______( 英文翻译:我要介绍的是羊.羊可以食用,羊毛可以纺线织毛衣.羊的用处真多呀! 中文姓氏“牛”在英文中怎么写?如题 三次根号2a-3+三次根号7-3a=0,求a+3的平方根 用所给词的正确形式填空,初二英语5道turn on,cup up,mix up,pour...into,add...to.1.The teacher asked us not to __ these two words.2.She helped her mother __ the meat into small pieces.3.Will you __ more sugar __ your coffee?4.Please __ th 带有文静,美丽,内涵意思的成语 跟文静相关的成语有哪些?是什么意思? 怎样正确使用标点符号 标点符号怎么用? 如何正确使用标点符号 如何正确使用提示语中的标点符号 在英语中"电视节目的主持人"用什么词表示? 对象这个词的英语怎么写 小偷们把他推进车里,然后开车跑了用英语怎么说 描写人物相貌仪表的成语急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~各位大姐大哥大妈,快啊,跪求! 仪表相貌的成语有哪些 与人的仪表相貌有关的成语sdadas 表示人的仪表相貌的成语 水立方、鸟巢等奥运场馆的英文怎么说?最好把所有场馆都说一下. 你的名字叫什么英语怎么着 生活久了一切都很自然你的需要我都了解英语怎么说 我不了解你 英语怎么说? 你不了解我 用英语怎么说 英语翻译In my restless dreams,I see that town.Silent Hill.You promised you'd take me there again someday.But you never did.Well,I'm alone there now...In our "special place"...Waiting for you...Waiting for you to come to see me.But you never do an 英语翻译I have every legal document backing the claims and existence of the funds.I will send you any document for verification that you want,but this must be when am sure and certain that you will assist me to complete my mission.Because the doc 生日蛋糕为什么要插蜡烛,为什么要许愿?