
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 17:13:45
This book is different from mine.改为同义句 Dolphins are smart,because they can help people ( 同义句) 英语翻译 We must take good care of them because they can help people(同义句) They must()()()()because thay can help people I am staying here with you的法语或者是中文的 我一直都在 的法语版 I am quite with you here. 阅读理解“Early to bed,early to rise" makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise."Early to bed,early to rise" makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.It is good for the boby.This is an old saying.Have you heard of it before?It means that we must go to be what falls but never gets hurt,英语答案是什么?XXXXXXXXX 新概念英语3学完了,可以考四级吗 YOU'RE NOT ALONE FOR I'M HERE WITH YOU THOUGT WE FARPART YOU ARE ALWAYS IN M You are not alone,I am here with you.Though we are far apart You are always in my heart 是什么意 英语翻译他辛勤劳动,使贫瘠的土地里长出了庄稼He worked hard to ----------good crops --------the poor soil.(每空次数不限)补全所缺单词It's spring.It's around this time every year that I g---- my garden planted and do sp 用适当的介词填空 because ________ fewer people and cars. 英语翻译今天七夕,我女朋友在Q签名上写了这段话, The number of people who have their own cars ----growing fast.A.are B.is C.be D.to be blue is means alone ,you are not alone ,For I am here with you.You're always in my heart身摸意思 这个词语怎么读?要注音 红红英文怎么写 “我爸爸在单位工作”英语怎么说,带用汉语注音,如:dus 巴斯 我有几个字不认识,麻烦帮我拿拼音拼出来龛 焘 遐迩 伉俪 刈 喀什 渥 谒 彰 耒 锹镢 一个车字旁加干怎么读?拼音怎么拼?我来拼不出,认识的人麻烦帮帮忙 字不认识 麻烦说下拼音 “口”字旁加“允” 还有“目”字旁加“夹” 拼音是什么 my( )home is in the country A,dreamed B,day C,dreams D,night My name is Millie.My dream home is a big house at the top of a hill. 完形填空 my dream home is a big house on the top of a hill.There is a swimming pool ()it and we someone the you me people to about want tell连词成句用we someone the you me people to about want tell连词成句 early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise背景故事 特没劲英语怎么说 没劲透了 英语怎么说 我的头发很长英语写法 我喜欢你给我拨虾皮的样子,英语怎么说 what a pity 与 I‘m sorry to hear that两者有什么区别吗?可以结合例子说说...还有Everything goes well有这种说法吗,改疑问句怎么改?否定句呢?