
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 23:31:38
He's very (b ),so he is very good at his lessons. the stories they tell us reveal what i'm convinced is a new window on animal Other animals can also tell the weather.(tell在这里的意思) 新老师给我们上课作文 u smile really warm,有一个姐姐给我留言,说的这句话,我英语超级烂!我也想用英语回复,该怎么说呢?给我说的时候附上汉语哈。那个姐姐现在可在美国上学呢。 三打白骨精中的哪些关键词句表现人物特点 耶卵的女朋友是谁?就是耶卵,耶的卵 文言文 吕蒙正不为物累 中 眷遇,鉴,知,间这四个词各是在文中什么意思 英语 快 (8 21:15:6)For和Since的区别? She has an excellent___________(对名字的记忆力),which helps her quite a lot in her work.(memory) 给口内加上合适的标点符号. 请加上合适的标点, where do North and South American get their names? 巫山风光(入蜀日记二十三日)小子解释及翻译然: 悉: 上入: 久: 异: 这几个字是必要的句子 :议者谓太华衡庐皆无此奇 :是日天宇晴祁四顾无纤----(上面是医和设去掉言字旁 加上合适的标点1·小军的小明说明天他就要转学了(1)(2)2·张新问邓伟明天晚上要到哪儿去玩(1)(2) How did the states get their nameThere are fifty sates in USA .Some of states' name come from American language.Such as Illinois Connecticut twenty five states have their name in this way.The others Georgia and Pennsylvania have their name from the L 英语翻译客户强调打印再发票上的城市一定要写明”北京市“不能打印“北京”, 英语翻译How did you spend your time to home?I taught myself on the Internet.I had a good time,but I missed my father very much.How about you ,Michaerl?Not so good.My mother didn’t let me out,so I couldn’t go roller skating.I had to wash my ha 英语翻译目前,电信行业已经成为我国乃至全世界的焦点行业,电信市场的激烈竞争已经成为不可避免的趋势,随着国外电信行业的逐步入侵,我国的电信市场必将更加开放. aa制生活 little a littie few a few 的区别little a littie few a few有什么区别呢?我一直都分不清 英语翻译点击大图后,可以右键另存为,这样可以看到清晰的大图. AA制生活拍第二部吗? 关于关注名人的言论英语 英语翻译What happens when you've just experienced how good it feels to get something done?You become eager to do more,so you can create that great feeling again. AA制生活怎么样 用简洁的语言概括第一只猫死亡的经过 The coaches are practicing how to use this machine.为什么how后面要用to, how to run this machine?句中to是什么用法?能否去掉? aa制生活的主题曲是什么? 殳可以加什么偏旁 委 殳 这两个偏旁组成一个字念什么啊就是大家说的 最近心情很委殳废 什么也不想干 愣是不知道读什么