
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 17:58:01
1,-----What did your mother________________?----My mother gave me the shopping list.快 我已经度了假,我去了海边.英文翻译. 奥黛利.赫本用英语怎么写? 将:yourself,it,to,keep,you,health,up,to,is!连词成句题目打错了,抱歉.health改为healthy 英语翻译 Don not ___________(compare) others with yourself, just __________(work) hard. (适当形式) 暮春三月的暮春具体是个什么意思啊? 落花时节 字面意思是指暮春三月,实际它要表达的意思是什么? 暮春三月的暮的意思 饯行的饯的意思 誉满天下的誉的意思 暮春三月,草长莺飞,人皆怜样, 暮春三月,江南草长.的“暮春”的意思.❗❗❗❗ 远古人类的起源 英语翻译simple local businesses such as specialist record stores are able to market and sell their offerings internationally using e-commerce.Users are not charged according to the distance over which they are communicating 怎样理解“但做一个幸福的人,只能是在你成为有智慧的人的时候”这句话? 英语翻译 the squirrel was luckly that it just missed being caught 是什么从句 You have to believe in www.crmcn.cn yourself.That's the secret of success什么意思阿? You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success!中文什么意思? 英语翻译besides the computing related costs,a legal cost may be required since theEDI involves co-operation with other computing,it is always advisable to insureboth parties are protected under a certainkind of contract.An EDI Trading Partner Agr 英语翻译我想找个工作,有人要翻译吗?我学的普通话.听不懂四川话的我可以给你翻译成普通话.混口饭吃, 体会下列词在句中的作用(1)至于池沼,大多引用活水大多:(2)苏州园林与北京的园林不同,极少使用彩绘.梁和柱子以及门窗栏杆大多漆广漆,那是不刺眼的颜色.大多: i don't have many friend here,decause i ----new here 连词成句 to have do I work some. well,i have to do some work的意思 have,do,good,you,some,to,exercise,habits,do ) 连词成句,哪位大师教教我? i have many new friends here 改为单数句子 he often to do work for protect helps the some ciub to the wildlife 连词成句 有史前人类吗 到底有没有史前人类? 史前 人类开始进入什么时代? 1.史前时期的人类问:原始农业是什么时候出现的? 西班牙语谁懂por ti 啥意思啊,就这俩词儿