
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:21:16
英语翻译己所不欲,勿施于人孔子智慧对于人类社会曾经发生了非常重要的作用.孔子思想是中国古代从汉代到清代的主导思想,是中华民族自身价值的重要体现.中国人在接受了孔子思想之后, Netherland Holand这两个的区别是什么, When I woke up . I heard my parents ___( laugh) loudly 20世纪前半期,中国出现了两大思想解放运动,是什么 who is travel the farthest to school in our school这句话有错吗如果有请改正快 英语翻译您好,这件事情我需要和弟弟商量后才能给你确实的答复.毕竟我们不太希望给你们麻烦,今晚我将会给你一封电邮, there is a people这句话对吗 There is people over there.找出并改正句中的错误 小光一周写了140个钢笔字,一页可以写20个钢笔字,每本大字本有30页.你自己编一道除法应用题并解答. study的现在分词 aloud的近义词 It was____the night of June 5th. on the morning of June 30th 为什么可用miles and miles.我只听过more and more rewrite the sentenceI used whichever tools were perfect.I used___________ We are going to visit the funfair.(Rewrite the sentence with "often") 词组as well as 又和 again 又的区别以及用法 找好看的欧美丧尸片 或者异种生物入侵(如外星生物,变异怪兽)条件如下(不符合条件的···就不要回答罗)重分悬赏!100分!条件如下1必须是欧美的2必须有军方正面对抗,没有军方,雇佣兵 risk的复数是什么? risk neutral parties 怎么翻译好? risk.bho是什么 risk-adjustment He does not like shopping,so he said :"The shop are too c__." The shop assistant said p______to me,Can I help you? hear again rewrite sentence with same meaningTom was among the top studentsTom was _____ ______ the top studentsWe ought to start the discussion with others next Friday.We ____ to start the discussion with _____ _____ next Friday.What does the “ wicked” i Sunflower,pelease shine down on my little sad. Where\'s my sunflower? Robert is said____in the company for ten years...Robert is said ____ in the company for ten years,but I do not know why he gave up in 2009.A.to have worked B.to work根据后面可知现在不在公司,那为什么答案是A,A不是现在完成时吗 whay will you do this weekend是什么意思 He is said_____in the Sates for three years.No wonder he speaks English so well.A to have stayedA to have stayed B to stay C having stayed D staying The piece of goods kept ______.we had to cut the expenses in order to meet our daily needs.A.standing up B.breaking down C.going up D.putting up