
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:43:23
左右逢源(照样字组词) 例:(号)召(开)()典() ()盛() ()柔()()聚() ()歉() ()乱()要开学了,在两天内一定要好啊!为了公平,等到开学,答对了,我就选谁 英语动词短语做主语是要用ing为什么有时候不用?就是在任务型阅读的时候 tired as we 49初中英语这里不是动词短语做主语 那是什么? he was not ___back to the club because he left two years agoA received B admitted C permitted D turned 为什么选B啊 , We d____ by the club to see if Bill was there ,but he wasn't . 说出英语中主语,谓语,动词,副词·······用法 colourful colorful colour color有什么区别 The man admitted ____the money ,so he wasn't admitted ___the club.A robbing by;intoB stealing;to 贬义词是什么意思快啊,我要做作业 漂亮的贬义词是什么意思 举个例子. 有没有through doing sth.的用法的和by doing sth.有区别吗 by doing sth.可以省略by吗?Many vaccines are made using genetic modification.这里made后跟了一个using,事实上,using前是否应该有个by呢?这个是一个什么语法现象呢?好像还没解释到这里为什么made后可以加doing 罗莉是贬义词吗男生说罗莉和女生说罗莉 有什么区别 别人说你是罗莉 是在夸你还是在骂你 zu和dazu.-Was zu trinken?-Was möchten Sie dazu trinken?请问这两句话里的zu和dazu有区别吗?有什么样的区别呢? If Not 语句的用法那位VB高手能给小弟细说一下 If Adodc2.Recordset.EOF Then 和 If Not Adodc3.Recordset.EOF Then 的用法以及区别.小弟在此谢过了因本人积分被扣完了,Adodc2.Recordset.EOF 德语 Keine mehr! 啥意思? rather than后面加do,doing,sth都可以吗? Where Did All The Love Go? 歌词 l can't ( )my pencil.do you know ()they are?( )they in your pencilcase?no,they ( )there.what is your desk?aren't they ()your desk?no,l can't see ( )there 求none 和 no one的区别.(有例子)谢谢 关于none与no one 的区别,有道例题不太懂.---how do you find your new classmates?---Most of them are kind,but ___ is so good to me as Bruce.A.none B.no one C.every one D.some one老师在上课时说选A,因为特指班里所有学生,但 no one 和 none 区别 实例Of all my friends _____ is so diligent as Tom.请问这里是填 no one 还是填 none 别人都说“no one接单数,none可接单、复数”,但这道题是单数,这样判断不是接哪个都可以吗?到底应该怎 德语中mehr的用法.mehr的词尾有没有变化?比如应该说:Ich brauche mehr Zeit.还是 Ich brauche mehre Zeit. car 德语 nichts mehrHunderte Flüge fielen aus,die Airports in Madrid und Barcelona wurden geschlossen.Auch auf den Flughäfen von Mallorca,Menorca,Ibiza und den Kanarischen Inseln ging nichts mehr.请问后面一句,主语是谁呢?是nichts吗? car park可数吗 I'm sorry I __ like hamburgers. 英语翻译i love you 是我爱你 我知道 后面to 1.They like lettuce ___ hamburgers A on B in C at D for 2.____ are the main vegetables in western c1.They like lettuce ___ hamburgers A on B in C at D for 2.____ are the main vegetables in western countries A Tomatoes B Tomaro C tomatos D The tomato3 这是什么歌?People don't you know don't you konw...歌词一直People don't you know don't you know...rap的,里的歌~