
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 23:36:37
than做介词的情况.Europe needs more than another bailout.欧洲需要的不仅仅是另一个救助.It received more in taxes than it spent,year after year.A国的税收高于政府开支,年复一年总是如此.than做介词的时候后面应 按要求修改句子.Give the ball to liu tao.(改为否定句)The students often go home after school(改为一般疑问句)stopped,some,soon,the,people,off,got,bus,and(连词成句) 物理这两题的答案是什么 According to Tian,Li,Zhao,and Lu,(2007),“In recent years,robots are more and more important for humans,and they supply the best service for the lives of people.” Because it has many advantages,such as improving work efficiency and reducing casual During the building of the Lego robot,we found we had to overcome assembly and programming issues.In the assembling process,we did not have enough parts to build the robot that was the same with products catalogue.So we had to remove some necessary p 英语翻译The packed heft and texture,finally,of an orange in your hand –this is it!–and the eruption of smell and the watery fireworks as a knife,in the hand of someone skilled,like our mother,goes slicing through the skin so perfect for slici 跪谢.Some parents think that their child should be allowed to use cell phones,for mobile phones are not entirely harmful.To begin with,parents can easily keep in touch with their child by cell phones.Meanwhile,if child have some emergency situation 已知函数f(x)=4^(-x)-a*2^(1-x)-3在x∈[-2,+∞)时有最小值是-4,求实数a 恐怖丛林生存,星星是不是越早买越好,越早买星星越高,为什么和别人星星差不多,属性差那么多. 魔兽恐怖丛林最高几星星 已知函数f(x)=x^2+(2a-1)x+1在[-3/2,2]上的最小值为1,求实数a 求解答.第二题 明成祖加强中央集权的措施有木有~最好详细并且精简,谢谢··感激 明成祖为加强王权而采取的措施有哪些? 明成祖朱棣采取的措施在历史上产生了什么影响 人在江湖,就要身不由己吗? 50积分快来,一批基因型为AA与Aa的豌豆,两者数量之比是1∶3.自然状态下(假设结实率50积分快来,一批基因型为AA与Aa的豌豆,两者数量之比是1∶3.自然状态下(假设结实率相同)其子代中基因型为AA 依然很想你 阿拉伯文 求解读阿拉伯文 己知|a|=2,|b|=1,向量a垂直b,试求数量积(a+b)×(2a-3b) 来自星星的你里面千颂伊用的手机是什么型号的? 2张桌子比5把椅子共450元,5张桌子2把椅子共600元,一张桌子和一把椅子各多少钱?问怎么列式子 一把椅子的单价增加8倍后恰好等于一张桌子的单价.已知买这样的一张桌子和一把椅子一共花费520元.你能算出一把椅子和一张桌子分别是多少钱吗? 自然数a,b(a,b均不为0)满足a÷b=6,那么a和b最大公因数是( a、b、c是三个不同的自然数(不是0),用它们可以组成6个不同的自然数,这6个自然数的个是2220,那么最小 郑州市学英语口语哪里好 20张桌子和30张椅子共用了2520元,一张桌子等于三张椅子,桌子各椅子各多少钱? 学校买来2张桌子和5把椅子共用去440元,每张桌子的价钱是每把椅子的3倍,每张桌子多少钱? 已知y与x成反比例,z与y成正比例.又当x=8时,y=1/2;当y=1/3时,z=-2.试问z是x的函数吗?当x=16时,z的值是多少? 已知z与x成反比例,z与y成正比例,当x=1时,z=2\1;Y=3\1时,z=—1.y是x的什么函数?并求x=2时,y的值. 求函数z=x+y的最值(最大值和最小值).x-2y+7≥04x-3y-12≤0x+2y-3≥0 南大附近学英语口语的好地方