
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:40:08
希望能在学校里搞好同学关系;怎么办?已经过去一个学年了,但是总感觉很多朋友都不太像真朋友,来了又散了,最后都不是特别铁.而且感觉小学时成绩很好所以比较注目,中学进了个实验班结 英语翻译如题 我要去新学校了、该怎么和新同学搞好关系.呃、我是升学.但是那个学校里面一个认识的人都没有、怕的呀、哎.我同学都说 我是那种比较好欺负的那种人啦.她们都叫我不要在报名的那天笑. 学校里怎样可以做好事帮助同学? 今天早上做梦梦见鬼,我明天就要出远门了.今天早上我梦见我去上厕所的时候,突然从门背后伸出一支手拉住我的手,他从门后走出来却是个十一二岁的小孩儿,我想扯开他的手却怎么也扯不开, 什么叫金属相变?金属相变和马氏体相变的关系 紧固件反倾销最厉害的是哪里紧固件反倾销最厉害的是哪个国家,哪个种类,哪些国家的品质要求比较高 “无情”的英文单词是什么? 将电阻r1和r2按图18-1-5所示的方法先后. 如图,求R1,R2上电压. 这些罗马音怎么读ashita o terasu yo SUNSHINEmado kara sashikomu tobira hiraiteSTOPCAUSE YOU GOT ME THINKING THAT I’M A LITTLE QUICKERGOMAYBE THE RHYTHM’S OFF BUT I WILL NEVER LET YOUKNOWI WISH THAT YOU COULD SEE IT FOR YOURSELFIT’S NOT I 罗马音该怎么读. 长颈鹿会不会发出声音? 【求助】马氏体相变点怎么计算的? 应力诱发马氏体相变与应变诱发马氏体相变一样吗 你如此绝情用英语怎么说 使无情的机器人也感动了用英语怎么说 你真好无情 用英语怎么说 左侧为每,右侧为流字右半部,这个字怎样拼写 Devoting hinsself to children's charity work,the famous actor missed ____from a terminal disease.(A) being saved (B) to be saved并说明依据, The actor plays a ____ in this filma.rule b.role c.rude d.rush jack chen is a famous ( ),many children like him very much.选折artist还是actor 我数学期末考了不及格怎么办我初一 罗马音怎么读啊?还有那些组合貌似和汉语大不一样啊ra读啦可是 tto dzu 还有其他的好多都不会啊,教教我吧, the man often plays w----- his son his father often plays chess on the c--- 请教西班牙语d的发音?请详细举例说明.最好用单词和句子来说明.有人说是下面的发音,1."d" 放词尾发类似英语 that "th"的音 2."d" 放词中发擦音也是发"d"音,如"poder" "tardar"都发"d"音 3."d" 放词首或 读读下面的单词和句子找出发音相同的部分填在( )中1 egg beg ( ) 2 pear wear ( ) 3 peach beach ( ) 4 glass class ( )5 ball tall ( ) 6 bike like ( )7 boy toy 8 but cut ( ) 句子、9 i have a black -------the story of our village,an interesting film was made by the famous director.------上应该填Based on 为什么不填Being based on呢? Have you seen the film,_____ director is famous throughout the world?A.itsB.of whichC.whoseD.which分析 the famous director of a big and expensivefilm decided to film a beautiful sunset the sea both the director and the film ___you've just talked about are very famous请问为什么填that,不是which