
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:46:11
Rather than_____,he ran all the way home.A.walk B.walked C.walking D.to walk这道题我觉得A和C都可以啊,为什么不行呢?这个选A。 Rather than ____the bus ,he ran all the way home.A take B to take C taken D took变态题目啊.选啥子啊选A的谁给解释解释为什么俩谓语 rather than_____,he ran all the way home.A.walk B.walked 时态到底应该用哪个? Rather that ___the bus ,he ran all the way homeA.take B,to take C.taken D.taking 80岁老人家生日祝词?急需,80岁老人生日祝辞. 外婆80岁生日祝福语 赏析一篇2000字左右的散文散文好在哪(表现手法 主旨 文字内容) 行文思路 赏析2000字美文4000字 请你用现代文改编《画蛇添足》这个故事. 因为美国是一个发达国家,有先进的教育理念和方法,完备的教育体制用英语怎么说 如何在家做蛋挞? 收2篇关于印刷的英文文章,每篇最好2000字左右,最好也有相应的中文文章最好是关于热敏CTP、或是显影液的文章, 打印一份文章要用几号字比较规范?就是拿去参加新概念比赛的作文,要求打印.但是我忘了他说的标准...标题几号字?标题下面除了名字还要写什么?名字用几号字?正文咧?急救! 生日微博祝福语如何写 微博生日祝福语大全 一个不确定的英语选择.Why do you look _____?what are you ____-aboutA.worried;worried B worried worry第二个空是 worry 还是worried 为什么 一道不确定的英语选择,How soon will he arrive?______.A.I think until ten o'clockB.I don't think he will arrive at tenC.Not until eleven perhaps D.Very fast这应该怎么回答,我不知道是C还是D, 一道英语选择,不确定是不是多选there'aren't enough chairs here for us all please bring____one.A.another B.extra应该前面有一个an才对吧? The best way to get there is by bus .的同义句 It is best to go there by bus的同义句 English teacher is ___than our Chinese teacher A,young B.younger C.youngest D.more youn应选哪个 你现在读过的最好的文章,2000字左右,一定要是好文章 请问:英语宾语从句是什么?它的用法含义又是什么? 求一道英语宾语从句用法的题( )Do you konw ______ I could pass the exam A.that B.whether C.what D.which并请说明理由! 英语 宾语从句请问,给一句宾语从句 让填中间的词(when、where、that、who、whose……)如何判断? They are more popular than anyone in our class.同义句转化.They are___ ___ in our class.They are more popular than anyone in our class.同义句转化.They are___ ___ in our class.明天考试,在考试之前我想弄明白这个题! is popular in our class是什么意思 Tony is more popular than I in our school.than后面为什么用 I 不是应该用me的吗 有一道非常急的英语选择题,请速速回答!-- _______!Where is my cup?-- _______,I don’t know.A.Excuse me,Yes B.Yes,Sorry C.Excuse me,Sorry D.Sorry,Yes填什么?请选择! 预初难度.速速回答有奖励!I don't think she will get there in time,( A.does sheB.will sheC.doesn't sheD.won't she 英语高手速速进来.Do you think the film is worth ---- ----- very much.A.seeing B.to see C.to be seen D.being seenA. 几道英语选择题,只要选择就好,请速速进来帮忙做! 烤蛋挞时蛋挞皮焦了可蛋挞水还没凝固怎么办要求是220度20分钟左右,可是我烤了10分钟蛋挞皮就快焦了这是怎么回事呢?是温度时间设置的不对还是蛋挞水制作的有问题?(蛋挞皮我是买的现成