
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:11:23
I am humbled in this 为什么天空会出现彗星? 你们在3月1日晚上7点左右在天空看见红色的彗星吗?今天我刚刚走到后面突然看到天空中有一颗红色的东西,本来以为放烟花的后来慢慢看又不像他从东面飞到西面,我就从东面跑到西面正好看 The meeting starts at 2.30 tomorrow afternoon,when we ____for you at the entrance to the hallA will wait B will be waiting C are waiting D are gong to wait It's a fine day for ______.let's go out ,shall we?A,to walk; B: walk;C:walks; D:waiking选择哪个? 英语翻译what a fine day!let's go out for a walk along the river bank. ( )fine weather it is Let's have a walk.A.What a B.How C.what D.What an what a fine day let`s ______(walk) up the great wall 英语翻译The result is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the population from which input is drawn.请教一个学外语的同学啊?这一句话怎么翻译?其实前面部分的我已经知道,就是后面那个该死的from which input is 英语翻译价格是市场营销组合的一个重要因素,也是影响消费者购买的主要因素.企业产品价格的高低不仅直接影响企业商品的市场销售量及企业的经济效益,而且还制约着企业市场营销组合中 左右逢源造句我要的是造句! 鳞次栉比造句?快啊,急、、、、、 What is up with you?同义句 英语翻译随着科技的发展,信息技术的不断进步,电子商务的发展,企业所面临的营销渠道环境也发生了重大的变化.企业必须对现有的营销渠道进行调整才能迎接新型渠道带来的机遇与挑战.企 so...that从句中的that能舍去吗?例如I was so tired that I went to bed as soon as I ate the supper. what up man 翻译成汉语 英语翻译a.Fourier red noise spectrumMany geophysical time series can be modeled aseither white noise or red noise.A simple model for rednoise is the univariate lag-1 autoregressive [AR(1),orMarkov] process:(公式不用翻译)where a is the a What's the matter with the door?The door _work请问为什么中间填won't 而不是doesn't 英语翻译Not many people can fly a plane through a big storm.But that is what Lowell does.He is a pilot who looks for a hurricane.He can let people know when a hurricane might be coming.A hurricane is a huge storm with a big eye.There is a what be sth like还是what sth be like?如题,还有,what do/does sth.look like?和用how提问的哪个句式意思一样?what be sth.like?和what sth.be like?那个正确?问题二中正确的哪个的意思与what do/does sth.look like?意思一 英语翻译The amounts of protein,nitrogen,ash,some minerals,total sugars,totallipids and amino acids of the RHP were determined. 英语翻译when you baby miracle of life,the well-being of ourachievements;when you from a seed growinto a small bud of infancy; only cry when you no longer;whenyou ignorant fools to underetandfrom the hi-shu baby funeral You may keep the book for a week,but you mustn’t lend it to ____.A.otherB.the othersC.othersD.the other How long I ____(borrow) your book? 作者从《牵牛花蔓》中的牵牛花中悟出什么道理牵牛花蔓不管我的住室多么狭小,我还是喜欢在室内硬挤上几盆花木.只要我的眼睛接触到一点儿青葱碧绿的草木,精神就会为之一爽.不过,我养 on reading the shop,the shop asisstant was closing the 觉得这个说法很奇怪 ON reaching the beginning of the climb,这句话的翻译?、急,越快越好, 请问七情六欲是只的哪七情哪六欲 “七情六欲”是指哪七情哪六欲? 假如你有一百万美元,你将如何使用这些钱?请以lf l were a millionaire(英语作文) I watched a football game on TV.根据回答写问句 So I can speak English