
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:07:55
Bob is five years old.Amy is fifteen years old.(合为一句) Amy is ____ ____ older than Bob. ______?walk east for 5 minutes ,the museum is on the right Walk east for 5 minutes ,the museum is on the right. 二十八宿的代表含义和传说 二十八宿虚:什么意思 长的反体字+三撇,下面是此,这个字念什么? 或者的"或"右边的撇是三撇 念什么字 票字右边加三撇念什么字啊? 我国的涤纶短纤一般都出口到哪些国家 有一种树开花是红的来变黑了?是什么树? “以直报怨,以德报德”的含义.老子曰:以德报怨.孔夫子说:以直报怨,以德报德.这两种观点,哪一种更可取呢? 以直报怨,以德报德.的意思 以直报怨,以德报德.的意思急!ahughuhs 涤纶短纤有没有,1.5*38的.寄样品,联系方式. 再生涤纶短纤的用途详细的的举例说明 广玉兰为什么一棵树上开花有早有迟?原因是什么? 英语翻译Friend is better than fortune.Friend is worse than poison in some cases.The two sentences above are opposite and seem to be unreasonable but they can be explained as follows:the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good w Many a friend is better than a lot of wealth.--【Shakepeare】这是Shakepeare说的,但Many后面怎么跟a friend ,Many和a这两个词冲突呀,为甚么还可以这样说?求助…………语法现象…… 走一步,再走一步 揣摩下列语句所表达的思想感情 ①“下来吧,孩子,”他带着安慰的口气说,“晚饭做好走一步,再走一步揣摩下列语句所表达的思想感情①“下来吧,孩子,”他带着安慰的口气 父亲的手电光照着我.“下来吧,孩子,”他带着安慰的口气说,“晚饭做好了.”(父 青字右边加三撇刚看到已经有人提问了,希望能有人把这个字发上来,先行谢过了. 帮忙翻译一下家驹的Long way without friends.多谢了! 英语翻译the sun is scorching down,and the sand reflect its light.i'm moving with my shadow,through this empty haunted land.strange sounds from nowhere,and the strong wind cut my face.nobody'll help but what else can i do oh!lord i need your help, most thing cannot be enjoyed without friends 的中文意思是什么 请帮忙翻译:success is nothing without friends. You Don’t Get To 500 Million Friends Without Making A Few Enemies 辩论:善意的谎言与讲真话我是反方 观点是说真话 求反驳对方事例的资料(比如说跟癌症病人说他身体情况很好这种),因为我猜对方肯定是用这类的事例,所以想找点可以反击的. He is going to be an artist(同义句)要快! 史铁生的文章有那些?(全文) 关于幸福时刻的作文 关于《幸福时刻》的好的作文开头 I still remember _ me to Beijing for the first time.为什么选B啊而不是C?A .for my parents to take B .my parents' taking C .that my parents take D.my parents to take