
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:07:25
It's very warm in here ,so you can take off your coat.副词here前能有介词In吗?如果不能为什么这里还这是青少版新概念英语中的一个句子 It's warrm here.You can_____(take)off your coat.用合适的动词填空理由 Quick!Call the police She paints as__as her teacher.A.well B.good Mary likes students and teaches well.She is a _____ teacherI hope Beijing is getting more and ______选词填空:1.popular 2.beautiful miss your sweet voice翻译成中文是什么意思 Your voice s____ sweet .----------Thank you. 语法正确的是raise your voice还是rise your voice Take off your coat.(改为否定句) ____take off youTake off your coat.(改为否定句) ____take off your coats. Sweet Voice 歌词 YOU ’d better ———— (not take)off your coat 应该是not take 但是为什么不是don't take 用通俗一点的话ok? FREE PEOPLE怎么样 外套尺码大小选着我身高176,体重75KG,我有件运动外套是175/100的,穿着刚好合身,另一件是180/88的,穿着略大一点,也是刚好,这一来我就不这道我该买多大的外套了,您能给点建议吗?我看见“怕怕 位于射手座的恒星有那些?我要英文名,中文名中文名称:北河二 拉丁文名:Castor 巴耶命名:双子座α星(αGem) 所属星座:双子座 天球位置:赤经7h34m35s 赤纬31°53' 18" 目视星等:1.96等/2 我想找一首英文歌的歌词!jesse mccartney - take your sweet time 中文的(慢慢来)中文的歌词啊 You'd better (w.)your coat It's so warm here .Why not ____your coatA.take away B.put on Cput dowm Dtake off You’d better__(穿上) your coat SETTING THE PEOPLE FREE怎么样 从一个白领的角度写一篇对经济危机看法的英文短文,200左右,四级水平.注意要从白领阶层切身出发 sweet的中文翻译 怎样才能磨练出非常顽强的意志?RT 磨砺坚强意志的歌曲 如果请句是,can you pay...for me 回答是deal ,那么怎么翻译这个deal You had better ( )off your coat .It is so cold here.A.to take B.take C.not take D.not to take it's cold outside.____________ (not take)off your coat适当形式,5分钟内答出加分!Jack ——————(be)not at school yesterday afternoon. (3) What does the words"call for"mean in "the professor began to call for the exampapers"?哪题正确1.打电话 2.收集 3.检查 4 上交 what does your words mean?这句英语句子正确吗?words不是复数吗?为什么又要用does? What ( ) these words mean?A.do B.does C.are "deal"英语怎么意思? 求deal or no deal 的英语简介内容简介 用英语解释两个名词:the great depression和new deal