
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 20:29:48
My father‘s mother is my 后面写啥,要g开头的如果填不上,告诉我这个问题是啥意思也可以,只要对, carrots 中ts的音标 爱的供养什么意思 My father is on the left and my mother is on the (r.)填什么 已知球的质量为1kg,圆轨道R=2.5m,平抛的水平位移AB为10m求球在C点对轨道的作用力为多少? ( ) On Sunday morning I helped my mother ____ the cooking.A.do B.to do C.does D.doing we arrived in china.we have seen a lot of chawe arrived in china.we have seen a lot of changes all over china(since)怎么合并? 看到和平标志你有什么感想 Chinese arts have won the appreciation of a lot of people outside China翻译 为什么和平鸽是和平的标志 Every year,a lot of festivals are celebrated in China,even including some Western Holidays,such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day.In your opinion,what kind of roles do festivals play in people’s life? Chinese arts have won the ____ of a lot of people outside China.A.enjoyment B.appreciation C.entertainment D.reputation 姓郑 帮忙取个英文名大家好: 我叫郑国裕,男 狮子座.想个英文名想了好久,总认为不合适. 请大家有什么好想法都说出来参考参考. 最好有跟名字挂钩. 我姓郑应该怎么取个英文名字啊?郑琅 这个中文名 要怎么取个英文名好呢?关键就是在于 琅 这个字上 我想了几个通宵就是没把他想好了.. 谁帮我起个英文名?我姓郑.我叫郑福明,谁帮我起个英文名字,急用! 中文名字千千,姓郑,请帮忙起个英文名字.请根据我的中文名字来起英文名字,否则我就没必要说出我的中文名字了.我喜欢了另外有分数. Although lucy was ————(prepare),she did quite well in the exam You did quite well in this exam___two slight mistakesA.except B.except to C.except for D.except that 云雷屯,君子以经纶 什么意思啊 求大虾解释 谢谢! 经纶世务者,窥谷忘反的解释 把你捧在手上,虔诚地焚香, 剪下一段烛光,将经纶点亮, 不求荡气回肠,只求爱一场, 爱到最后受了伤,哭 怎样理解鸢飞戾天者 望峰息心 经纶世务者 窥谷忘反(解释+感情) 跪求一道英文题 Is this MP5 player__you brought last week?A.that B.which C.the one D.不我主要搞不清为什么不能用that要很具体的理由哦,还有什么时候用the one 什么时候用that不填(问题里没打出来) This pair of glasses is similar to ______ you bought last week.A.the one B.the one which 半径R=1.8m的1/4光滑圆弧轨道固定在光滑水平面上.轨道上方A点与轨道圆心O的连线长也为R,且AO连线与水平方向夹角30°,C点为圆弧轨道末端,紧靠C点有一质量M=1.8kg,长度L=4.5m的矩形长木板静止在 维护世界和平与安全,是哪次组织 求大学英语历年四级、六级听力真题及答案及MP3格式的音频 感激不尽! 931872911艾特扣扣点com 清晰的八哥学话录音,有的请发送到yuqiong0302@163.com! They do not do their homework,and begin to watch TV(同义句) 我想要现代大学英语精读第五册和第六册的录音 谢谢你 dwyyyy100440632@163.com 首字母填空shaped as full moons,o____ like birds,fish,butterflies,evenThis Vietnamese festival falls on the fifteenth of the eight month of the Chinese lunar calendar.It celebrates the full moon around S______ or October,a time when the moon is t they both study hard and are ____ at their lessons well good nice best 四选一