
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:02:39
你通常去哪游泳英语怎么写 once more open your 电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲“My heart will go on"歌词"Once more you open the door"中"open"要加-ed吗?【那位英语高手帮帮忙】 ___open the door for you?a.would you like meb.do you want me c.will you mind me d.shall i写出原因! 用诗句,谚语或俗语填空.我看见平时忙忙碌碌的陈师傅正悠闲地坐在小河边喝茶,真是“(用诗句,谚语或俗语填空.我看见平时忙忙碌碌的陈师傅正悠闲地坐在小河边喝茶,真是“( 古代诗人郑板桥在一次去茶馆喝茶时看见一幕情形,便即兴作了两句诗,上句是“坐,请坐,请上坐”那么下句 Maybe there is something strange in the yard.(改同义句)Maybe there is something strange in the yard.(改同义句)There____ ____something strange in the yard There is something strange___the man.书上是about,请问能用with吗? 求为雅思作文打分.题目为:商务和文化交流的利弊.Fierce debate over whether business and cultural contacts on a global scale have positive or negative influence in right on its way. I suppose, personally, the advantages overweigh t 关于雅思作文同意与否 利弊型的写法do you agree or disagree?to what extent do you agree or disagree?does the advanges outweigh the disavanges?1 这三种问法可以在第一段不表态,只说“在给出我的观点前,我先讨论一 雅思作文观点我在看范文时发现有一些是正反观点都阐述的,也有只阐述一种观点的.到底作文应该写单一观点呢还是都说? 雅思作文若你不完全同意题目观点在你的文章中大篇幅论述你不完全同意题目观点则你怎么改善做法,你的做法是怎样的对么?跑题么? fiying ____ (in / at) pianes will be cheap I now will be in a trance at every turn,is to you!的意思是什么?真的很想知道! You will be in d_____if you go there alone at night.缺的单词填什么? an at she home will be in hour连词成句 将下面的句子变为单数形式.These are soft toys. 形容喝茶感觉 词语 用来形容小口喝茶的词语,谁有? 动词的过去分词做形容词时,什么情况下是放在所要修饰的名词前面,什么时候放后面, 诗清只为饮茶多什么意思 I WILL BE ON YOUR SIDE FOR EVERMORE是什么意思? 关于标点和成语应用1.对于大自然,我们应该顺水推舟,而不应强求,否则.为什么顺水推舟用在这不对?2.最近灾害多发,地方政府要求各部门加强对地震,泥石流,洪水,火灾等灾害的预警和防护.为 清明绝句 怎么改成成语标点怎么改动 We have fun every 什么样的眉毛是三角眉? 刚电台听到一首歌 部分歌词是 i am be there i will be there .i still be there .很懒散的歌名求歌名 I will be punished by the headteacher __I am lateA.even if B.as if C.in case D.inorder that these two TV sets are not the same同意句 this tv sets ___ ____that onekari is working hard .elen is working hard too.同意句kair is working hard ,and _____ ____ ____ are these you computers?的回答 These computers are different from ________.99. These computers are different from ________. A. that we expected B. what we expectedC. which we have expected D. what we expect为什么选B,不选C? 99.These computers are different from ________.A.that we expected B.what we expectedC.which we have expected D.what we expect可是我觉得整句的时态是一般现在时,D为何不对?