
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:09:38
开头:People are always afraid of making mistakes.Bu开头:People are always afraid of making mistakes.But sometimes it's not bad to make mistakes ,and here is why.要求排序 Sometimes people from different places cannot u____ each other. He____(not be)always right.Sometimes he_____(make)mistakes It's rude to l____ at people who make mistakes. afraid are good mistakes learning also making not of 连词成句 Sometimes people in a family get angry with each other.Sometimes they get angry with you.的翻译 孔子家语 译文 火车过江交轮渡费30元,客车过江交轮渡费20元,小汽车过江交渡轮费10元.某天,过江的小汽车和客车的数量比是2:9,客车和货车的数量比是3:7,共收得渡轮费12450元.这天过江的货车,客车和小汽车的 孔子家语的译文是从 孔子曰:“无死后,则商也日益,赐也日损.” 至 是以君子必慎其所与处着也.这段. People l___ to talk only about the game. "你否定了造物主的存在,冰冷的骸骨把平凡的真理回答."这句诗的含义该怎样理解 Tomorrow is Children's Day.Helen______with her friends in the going to have a party B.had a party C.likes having a big lunch I do my home work every day.改句子1改否定句2改一般疑问句3做肯定否定回答4就划线提问 划线A do my homework .划线B every day. 划线部分提问:l should do home work every home work划线. 带小字的成语有哪些 Are you in class one?Are you in class two?合并为选择疑问句 Sam and I are in different class.这句话哪里有错? 英语翻译实在看不懂,选自(明史 列传十一)煜既至,乃诈称疾,自言老不任职,惟受平章印诰而已.国珍不听,惟日夜运珍宝,治舟楫,为航海计.授广西行省左丞,食禄不之官. 爱莲说 ..爱莲说 这课.作者从哪些方面写莲花.作者认为君子有哪些方面的行为.这篇文章的主旨..我不要看这么多. Today is Amy brithday.找出句中错误地方,并改正 作文 值得 600字 记事的 Could you please ()the window?it is very cold outside. 你愿意做鲁迅这样的少爷还是少年闰土中的闰土这个少年? 分享——600字作文 要符合中学生写的 600字左右就行 在哪找的无所谓 一片描写秋的文章,600字左右.这是明天要交的作文,我实在是不会写,求求您, it is very cold.Please dress your coat 还是 Please wear your coat Mike thinks Beijing is a interesting city有什么错 my grandfather likes beijing o------- a lot 迸溅的造句(30字) ‘于园’一文最后一句话用了什么修辞手法? 于园表达了作者怎样的思想感情 木兰诗主旨