
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:45:06
The supermarket is not far from our house.Why not walk to here?哪里错了 Is it far form here? The school is not far from my house 同样意思的句子 Is it far form here? 用否定回答 对very much提问怎么提 对very much 提问May loves her key ring very much 用very much提问 怎样回答如Ann likes sports very much(对very much 划线)______ ______ Ann like sports? It’s kind of you to think so much of us.It is not hard for one to do a bit of good.为什么一句用of而另一句用for 急求forwarder;intermodal company;consolidator;agent;carrier;freight broker的区别~ 有关供应链中的几个单词:cartage agent,freight forwarder和carrier分别是什么意思有什么区别和联系? freight forwarder adresses? cargo和freight的区别?请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来,谢谢! freight forwarder请翻译,关于商务英语方面的意思,并加上英语翻译. Which is the third month?怎么回答? 关于地支计时法到了什么时候算是次日.子初还是子正?还是到了子时就算? 着落的【着】的拼音是zhuo,还是zhao? ( 苍绿色的叶蔓,清新醉人的花瓣,娇柔倩丽的花朵,擎着一丝丝淡淡的馨香)选择恰当的角度赏析这个句子这句话用了什么修辞手法? 着陆中着得读音是什么 在“着陆”、“着迷”、“着数”、“走着瞧”这四个词语中,“着”字的读音依次是: 着想的读音是什么 着想的读音是什么? 落地的落读音是什么 the wolf,a little out of breath form running,arrived at grandma‘ house and knocked at the door.成话吗 Then the wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma c_____ out the three young are running out of the house.这句是否正确? 豺狼入室 A WOLF ENTERS THE HOUSE怎么样 描写”稻花的馨香,听到如鼓的蛙声”的句子 自古皆有死,民无信不立的意思 发音是“xiang”的英文单词英语里发音是“li”的单词是Lee,那“翔”呢? I want this hat?改为否定句怎么改 I want this可以翻译成啥?除了我想要这个