
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:19:38
已知点P是以F1,F2为左右焦点的双曲线x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2=1(a>0,b>0)左支上一点,且满足向量PF1*向量PF2=0,tan角PF2F1=2/3,则此双曲线的离心率为() 答案:根号13 部队奉命乘车前往某地执行任务,车队每小时行30千米,出发后,指挥部派通讯员骑摩托车沿同一路线给已经出发的部队送上级命令,摩托车每小时行57千米,经过2小时,在上午11点追上部队,部队是 如图,A是以MN为直径的⊙O上的一点,B是弧AN的中点,B为AN弧的中点,P是直径MN上一动点,PA+PB的最小值为 Most shops ______ during the Spring Festival because the shop assistants often go home...( )Most shops ____________ during the Spring Festival because the shop assistants often go home for a family reunion.A.aren't open B.don't open C.aren't open s_______ of the worker went home for their spring festival 冰心()代()家、()家、诗人.代表作 寄小读者,诗集 繁星 春水 散文集() “传以示美人及左右”{廉颇蔺相如列传}中的“美人”和“左右”的古今义 古今异义题 She sings the loudiest of the three.(为什么是loudiest,它是形容词,副词修饰动词) 科学家干吗给动物照镜子?哪些动物可以认出自己?为什么 用诗句或名言警句填空:( ) 一个城市要发展,必须吸取各种各样的人才 无论为别人做了多少,也不要炫耀( the second problem is My parents are scrice with me这句话有错吗 She is the story that she什么歌里有这句歌词She is the story that she,是一首英文歌来的,很轻快. 一辆小汽车(可视为质点)在直线公路上做匀速运动,10s行驶80m,该汽车运动的速度是()m/s,途中经过一座大桥,从桥头驶到桥尾共用5min,这座桥长()m [[[[[一道对数函数求值域]]]]]]已知2[log1/2(x)]^2-log2(x)+3小于等于0,求函数f(x)=[log2(x/4)][log4(x^2/4)]的值域. 各种动物照镜子会怎么反应? That is a ( )of my family 冰心小诗集有哪些 My sister is tall and slim. 对tall and slim提问速度 如图,MN是半径为1的⊙O的直径,点A在⊙O上,∠AMN=30°,B为AN弧的中点,点P是直径MN上一个动点,则PA+PB 对数函数的值域对数函数loga(9-6a).中a的范围是1 through是啥意思 请问,through在这里是什么意思The world may change my whole life through through 什么意思 through是什么意思 through The department,through its cooperative state research,education,and extension service,has been supporting a project in Michigan .That state has a short growing season. 从3男3女中选出2个,2个都是女的概率是多少?如题,写出详细解法 画圈的两个英语短语什么意思. 五个九相加的和是多少,9的5咅是多少 这道题应该怎么算? a way to get through Am I gettin' through to you?这是啥意思啊? (2/3xy)^-2÷(1/3x^-2)