
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:01:54
求与“勤学”“耕耘’有关的名言或阐述不要“一分耕耘一分收获”这一句···· 有关于"勤学''"耕耘''的名言俗语求大神帮助越多越好 帮我解释一下三个简单的语法题.谢谢了1、He always did well at school __ having to do part-time jobs every now and then.A、 despite of B 、in spite of C 、regardless of不管 D、 in case of我选了C,答案是B. 我想问A 和B Could you tell me______?About two months.A.when are you leaving for often you go to the school many tickets have you long you have been at this school 求讲解 用changes are that 来翻译:我们很可能轻松会取胜 用adopt翻译:我们采用了新的酿酒方法 We can't work out the physics problem.Can you tell us----------? to do B.waht to do it to do itD.what should to do 为什么不选A,看讲解是what可做do的宾语.how不可做do的宾语,因此需加代词it.(但是看不懂啊,为什 12.You can’t work out the problem in that way.(保持句意)It’s ____ _____ you to work out the problem in that way. 三个连续奇数的积是693,这三个数中最大的一个是() 三个奇数的积是693,这三个奇数各是多少? 三个人的年龄是三个连续的奇数,三个奇数的积是693,他们分别的年龄是多少? hand homework in 和hand in homework的区别 things,for,to,he,difficult,himself,finds,it,plan连词成句 The boy finds it difficult to make c_______ sentences because he isn't good at grammar.首字母非常急 这是什么单词 This is a pencil.I( ) price is one yuan.括号里应该添什么 1. 无论是批阅十载完成的红楼梦的曹雪芹,还是遍尝本草纲目的李时珍.仿写句子. emerson是什么意思电视机的牌子还是? The snow storm by Ralph Waldo Emerson 这首诗赏析:韵律、韵脚.思想内容.需要诗中举例例子说. I sometimes go walking after supper,对sometimes提问该怎么写 sometimes,l( )for( )after supper. Could you tell me the best way to improve English in senior Who can tell me the best way to learn English中为什么要用best way 初一学练考答案 The fact__we haven't confirmed__we have run out of the food might not be truwA.that,\B.\,thatC.which,\D.\,whichwhy we choose ABCC似的词语 ABCC似的词语有哪些? 高一英语单选题,第一题应该选什么? Liu Ying and her sister________.A.look likeB.are look the sameC.look the same abcc词语 附表1义务教育阶段贫困寄宿生生活补助申请表 村(居)委会意见怎么填 寄宿生生活补助申请理由(不少于100字) Jean made up her mind to__in order to become slimmer.A: start diet B:go on a diet C:diet herself D: go for a diet Would you like to attend China Talent?A Don't mention it B I'd love to C That's all right D My pleasure