
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:12:08
超越光速就有可能穿越黑洞黑洞吸收一切物质能量 包括光 所以是否超过光速就可能摆脱黑洞的吸力而穿越黑洞 This computer is mine.和 Can you help me to do my homework?宾语是什么2个句子有直接和间接宾语之分吗 Let _____ help you.A.I B.me C.my D.mine 关于单词obtain和attain单词obtain和attain有什么区别? Advice to travel to Britain作文 You can't be too careful.翻译下 最好详细说下 dream怎么读 dream 这个单词怎么读? What should i do when i feel weak _b_some yang food like beef may be helpful a.eat b.eating c.ate d.eats 为什么不能用用祈使句求大神 ling me shiwang Dar 什么是中微子?电视上说中微子能穿透一切,这是真的吗?如果是黑洞呢?请原谅,我的知识太贫乏了,见笑见笑 中微子和黑洞中微子能穿透黑洞吗? 黑洞是否会吸收中微子? 前苏联科学家特罗缅柯认为,微型黑洞发射的中微子的数量是太阳中微子的数量的( )倍. Mr.Green goes to Shanghai to see his uncle(every two weeks.)对括号部分提问()()does Mr.Green go to Shanghai to see his uncle? 同一句转换1He walks to school every day.2He goes to work on Monday.3I usually go to Shanghai onon business.4She spends half an hour doing her homework.5He goes to work by bike.6He goes to school in his parent's car.His father--------------- dream 怎么读 Dream英文怎么读 i'd love to 不加to可以吗? I love to you do fried egg.句子中为什么要加do呢?这里为什么要加do呢,fried不就是行为动词吗 《空山鸟语》阅读的答案 有赏短文自读.1、阅读第二自然段,说说划线词在文中的表达上的作用?3分(划线词为婆娑、奇崛、爽飒、飘逸)2、读完全文,你对“空山鸟语”的“空”有哪些理解? 1) 若2的a次方等于3,2的b次方等于5,2的c次方等于30,试用a、b表示c 当女兵好吗?怎样才能当女兵? 怎么写秋天到了的作文 秋天到了.,作文.怎么写? 秋天到了500字作文! Please keep your eyes closed.do not o---- them until I say "OK" . They promise to love and cherish each other until death do them part 中的do them part part 能这么用吗? achieve,gain,get,win 有何区别 gain和achieve的区别是什么?They _________ a lot through group work on the sports field.A.earned B.gained C.won D.achieved 这道题的正解是B,为什么不能选B和C呢? 请教gain ,receive,achieve的区别,