
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 09:17:54
设ABC为三角形的内角,且满足方程(sinB-sinA)x^2+(sinA-sinc)x+(sinC-sinB)=0有两个 相等的实根.求角B的范围 甲乙两名运动员进行扳手腕 甲输 甲对乙的力为F1,乙对甲的力为F2.A F1<F2 B F1>F2 C F1=F2 D 无法判断 有一块牧场长满了牧草,牧草每天均速生长,这块牧场的草可供17头牛吃30天,也可供19头牛吃24天.六天后,有4头牛被卖掉了,余下的牛用2天时间将牧场上的草吃完,则开始有几头牛? 设ABC为三角形的内角,且满足方程(sinB-sinA)x^2+(sinA-sinc)x+(sinC-sinB)=0有等根.求角B的范围我数学很差,查了网上的答案,请把是知识点的地方标记,否则我都不知道是怎么来的 △ABC三个内角满足方程(sinB-sinA)x2+(sinA-sinC)x+(sinC-sinB)=0有两个相等实数根,则:1.求证:∠B≤π/3 2.若∠B取最大值时,试判断△ABC的形状 已知等比数列{an}的公比为q,求证:am/an=q^(m-n) 在等比数列{an}中,am=10k次方,ak=10m次方,则am+k= MFZ/ABC2C灭火器的有效期斜杠后面的ABC2C表示的含义是什么 一whatver you want,you (A ) have it if you do as you are told to.a.shall b.could c.should-which end of the line shall i begin,the right or the left?-( C ),as u like.a.any b.every c.either d.eachIF your hand is wt in the headshake with a northwestern 问两道高考英语定从 急用!1.I came across a strange person near the cinema the other day,___there was a talent show going on then.A.that Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere但是为什么不能选B2.A nature reserve was set up in1992,___boats have been proh 已知an是等比数列.(1)由an=2的n次方,求首项和公比 (2)由an=1/4×10*n,求首项和公比 求个小故事,比喻的是有点权利就很了不起.暗喻的最好. 大家帮我找一篇内容关于《让我感动,坚持梦想》的作文素材. 作文:《梦想·坚持》 几条高考英语选择题求详解We climbed a tree,and all of a sudden it _______ to us that we were rather big to be up in a tree.A.struck B.lighted C.occurred D.came4.Written in a hurry,_______ .How can it be satisfactory?A.they found many mis 求分析一道高考英语选择题.——Will the plan ____ the libraries nationally be carried out in the coming year?——It all depends,I suppose.A.to promote B.promote C.promoting D.that promote 太空中有声音吗?[人民网北京飞控中心报道组]:太空噪音很大,入睡其实很难.睡眠可以对我们的航天员可以说是一种任务.我们的航天员完满地完成了睡眠任务.[08:19] 请问:声音是依靠介质传播 初一历史上册第一二单元试卷及答案 1.the grand theatre is located on one corner of ( )is called the people' square为什么是what 不是which,是不是which不能引导主语从句呢?我对名词性从句还不是很懂,能再说一说相关的东西么?2.the performance of the host ait+数字会出现什么字?如题 已知图中有两个平行四边形.请你写出图中的平行线. 求大神帮改下数字和文字~ 高考英语 求详解I kept getting mysterious phone calls ____the caller would hang up as soon as I answered. A.where B.which C.when D.that (这难道不是考同位语么 c选项哪里错了) 2.The modern carpenter would be just able to 24.---Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?--- ( ) ,does it?A.It makes no time B.It counts for nothing C.It doesn’t hurt to ask D.It doesn’t make sense 如图,已知AB=AE,BC=ED,∠B=∠E,试说出∠C=∠D 1.Internet-related business is growing rapidly,about 10% of its population ____ on line regularly.A.shopping B.shop C.shopped D.to shop2.U.S President Obama visits the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea ahead of a nuclear summit in Se 在水中把两块石头相碰,耳朵紧贴水槽,你能听到石头碰击发出的声音吗?这说明什么? 把耳朵贴在盛水的玻璃鱼缸外面,让你的同学把石块放在水中互相打击,你听到了什么? 借喻和暗喻的区别 初一的近似数,我做了,谁帮我检查下啊,非诚勿扰!不对的,我已经做了,5.0*10^4,2.00*10^5,46800000000,100,5.90,0.861这是第一题答案,对不?第二题的,精确百分位,有3,1,4精确十万分位,有2,0,1,0精确百位,有9,8, 初一 的数学一个题目!非诚勿扰,在线等待,谢谢!武汉市质量技术监督局从某食品厂生产的袋装食品中抽出样品20袋,监测每袋的质量是否符合标准,把超过或不足的部分分别用正、负数来表示,记 怎样理解江西的地形,气候