
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 10:13:03
-what club do you want join?---the music club 这两句话那个地方出错了,怎么改 What do you do in the club. 翻译为汉语 ( )do you do in music club we sing and dance.A,where B,what C,how 小语种学哪种好 twenty-one years ago和twenty-one later/after有什么区别 意思上呢快 好 准 耐性 What can you do for the school music f_____? We need two musicians for our School Day.Do you lkie music?What can you do 请问在高一怎么提高语文成绩,平时的摘抄应该从哪些书上摘录呢?我在初中不是特别重视语文成绩,结果3年里语文成绩下降了很多,现在150满分的我大概只能得110左右,请问我应该怎么提高语文 初中语文摘抄该摘些什么内容的呢?请大概分个类吧,最好与平时摇考的内容有关(竟赛)只要分类,其余的我自己搞定。 at a music it's time( )music lesson.A.at B.onit's time( )music lesson.A.at B.on C.for D.with We played ____ at nine o'clock in a music lesson.A.violin B.violins C.the violin D.a violin 第一次接触铁塔,结构图纸里,9米接腿;15米接腿是什么意思呀?还有27米腿接身;15.我进行毕设,要进行PKPM建立铁塔模型,但是不知道怎么着手,就先看铁塔的CAD图纸,但是里面有很多专业术语,和 铁塔怎么看出那个是A腿,哪个是B腿,哪个是C腿,那个又是D腿? 高低压同杆架设铁塔呼高怎样确定 cat把当中一个字母改掉换成另一个词语tie、rose、sun呢? It' doesn't matter 和 Not at all 的区别 all you n___ some chair some people some ways of making m____第一个是什么 第二个好像是music不知道对不对 本乃万分感激 rose改变它的一个字母,使它变为另一个单词 tie,roes,sun改变一个字母,变成另一个单词急,今天晚上就要 AEDMNOORRSTT 是一个单词打乱顺序后的字母,是哪英语个单词? 美国有多少个州?每个州的面积多大?相当于咱们的什么? 我国的占地面积与哪个州相当 中国土地面积与哪个州相等 我国的土地面积相当于 洲 xx省xx市 西门xx新村一区102号.翻译成英语地址. –What do you think the noise was?--It ______–What do you think the noise was?--It ___________ a cat.A.may be B.might be C.could have been D.might have been -what do you think the noise was?-It _____a cat.A may be B might be C could have been D might have been可为什么答案写的是D呢? ___ him and then try to copy what he does.A.Mind B.Glance at C.Stare at D.Watch答案说这题选D.可是C为什么不行啊?还有选项所列的这四个词之间有什么区别啊? 英语19.________ him and then try to copy what he does.19.________ him and then try to copy what he does.a.Mind b.Glance at c.Stare at d.Watch为什么 (高三英语)____him and then try to copy what he does.____him and then try to copy what he does.A.Mind B.Glance at C.Stare at D.WatchWhy? 9.____ him and then try to copy what he does.A.Mind B.Glare at C.Stare at D.Watch要分析