
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:07:56
used to be后面加什么词 可以是一个句子,一个短语或一个单词A:Hi,Frank!Saturday is our physics teacher's birthday.We are planning to _____ this Saturday evening.________?B:Sure,I'd love to._______ does the party start?A:It start at 6:00 p.mB:Good.Are we having be used to同get used to同used to 噶区别.仲有to后面加什么? be used to后面加do还是doing 读英语一定要记得音标吗请. 这句英语什么意思呢Moreover in directing money to the poor and into theMoreover in directing money to the poor and into the health and education systems,the package may helpunwind the grotesque global distortion that has seen poor Chinese far Hejping others is a great pleasure 如何写求婚词啊?女方学历比我强,要求讲的真诚朴实! 怎么写求婚词?我女朋友好面子 我想在许多朋友面前向他求婚 跪求一份求婚词要长一点 200以上 求婚词该怎么说呢?本人平时不善于表达,这要求婚了,也不能弄的太保守了,毕竟这一生就这一次、希望大家能给我想个好一点的求婚词. be quiet怎么用,为什么这个quiet和be能组成短语? 填空:The shoes are()too big for me. (.)shoes are too bigA.All my theB.All the myC.All ofD.All my yy五项套词该用什么伴奏我虽然有一些五项台词 但是伴奏怎么找 该用什么样的 YY五项的词 套词 YY五项都包括哪五项?词都是什么? 请问:带"辉"字的成语? Don't worry .The bus (come) prevent...from的同义短语是什么 改错Don't worry.I comewhat do you da these days?let me seenow I am wanting to go with you There are MOm' s shoes.现在现在就要 there are no people here中no能不能换成not You are not a boy.可不可以说You are no boy.He is no writer 即He is not a writer.为什么 难猜的词语 打一成语 让自己替别人承担 ,打一成语或词语 "answer the questions about the words and expressions in the 无视藐视 什么意思啊? 高三数学求解答将函数f(x)=2sin(wx+π/6)(w>0)的图像向右平移π/3个长度单位后,所得图像经过点(3π/4,2),则实数w的最小值是____. 在△ABC中,若a=3,b=√3,∠A=∏/3,则∠C的大小为? 红宝宾馆现有客房300间,每间每天房价200元,每天客满饭店欲提高星级,同时提高租金,如果每个房间增加20元,则客房入住数会减少10间,不考虑其他因素时,请你以客房部经理的身份提出一个房价 已知△ABC的三内角A、B、C所对的边的长分别为a、b、c,设向量m=(a-c,a-b),n=(a+b,c)且m//n.(1)求B的大小;(2)求sinA+sinC的取值范围. 勉主以礼义 ,谕主以长策,将顺其美,匡救其恶,如此者,良臣也.翻译谢谢