
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:24:27
they have a basketball game every year(改为否定句) something wrong with my PC,i can not change my word into Chinese是什么意思 the mobile phone and our life英语作文 A man named Su Ning called the 110 hotline using his mobile phone.其中using是什么用法? 过度使用手机对身体有害:using mobile phone ___ ___ isbad for your health My view on mobile phone写一篇关于  我对手机的看法 求翻译一句话,3Q!心里埋藏的痛,有谁能知道,只怪自己爱过太深. 英语翻译Do you an to marry with me? 急求初一英语暑假日记10篇(带翻译) Do you want to be my i just want you be my friend 是什么与意识?翻译成汉语 I just want to tell you,I'm still waiting for you,as long as you are willing to go back,这句话什么 So long as you are willing to wait ,I will accompany you to any place ,will accompany anything that you want to make! a属于(o,π),且cosa(sina+cosa)=1,求a 若sina+cosa=a,则(sina)^3+(cosa)^3= 若A属于(-π/2,0),且sinA+cosA=7/13,则(5sina+cosA)/(15sinA-7cosA)= 在没有窗户的封闭小房间里生活,摆点什么可以愉悦身心?净化空气? 我房间只有一个窗户,空气不流通怎么办?妹的,单位那单身宿舍20平米无独立卫生间,只有一个门跟一扇窗,窗户就在门的正上方,而且窗户是半开半闭的,门是1.7*1.3米,窗户是0.5*1.3米,空气好闷不流 我想要个英文名字,我叫孙龙,应该好听的 跟中文谐音的! 卧室没有窗户,怎么改善房间空气质量住处是个小房间,没有窗户.请教如何改善房间空气质量,如何有个好的居住环境. 用i want my friends to be 造句,多来点 want my be friend I him to 造句 用want,I,you,to,be,my,firend怎么造句 "They are look the same"对吗?为什么? hasn't your friend arrived yet?how long have you had to wait?i have had to wait for two hours!你朋友到了吗?你等多久了?这里had to不得不不用翻译吧?我已经等了2小时了!是这样翻译么?do we have to walk to the station?我 他们长得一样是they look alike还是look the same? how long have you had to wait?你已经不得不等了多长时间啦?怎么这么别扭,had to 不用可以吗 how long have you had to wait?had 如果是现在完成时,wait为什么不加ed, How long I have to wait 汽车的后风窗加热功能是什么意思 how long will I wait 谁帮起个好听的谐音英文名比如杰伦叫Jay 克群叫kenji 玮柏叫will 这样类似的.我名字后2个字拼音是zheng hao 谁给想个好听的谐音英文名.起的好的我+分..