
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:45:00
中国历史上最伟大的皇帝是指谁? 中国历史上最伟大的十个皇帝 冬至的含义是什么?冬至是一年中最冷的一天吗? 冬至的意义. date的音标是什么同上 5.The majority of people here agree that there_____a bus stop near the house will be a great advantage.A.was B.have been C.having been D.being 请问选 那个,为什么?thank you The line of people outside the house________(be)endless on that morning of the day 为什么用was? Phones help people get in touch with each other.(缺词填空)Phones help people get in touch with each other.People can t____ to a person far away on the phone.It's almost as nice as visting the person.But it is not really the same thing.When v____ In the future,computer will do many of the jobs that people do today. doctors worry that more and more people will get affected----the virus of H7n9 spreadsA when B as C while 选哪个?为什么? 几句简单的高中中译英,英译中中译英:1 我很生他的气 因为他让我等了好久 be angry with2 我们班有20个男孩和25个女孩组成 make up3 请把黑板升高一点以使每个人都能看到 so that4 对不起,占用了你 急急急^^^^^^^^2句英译中,1句中译英1.He changed his mind for the second time,after which I refused ever to go out with him again.2.It was a real challenge that those who had learned from us now excelled us.3. 春节前,在上海展览馆,我 数学题(平面直角坐标系) 谈谈你对20世纪40年代后期国立武汉大学生物系出现的“白雪公主”现象的看法.白雪公主现象是什么现象? This is the book that you bought which you have lost什么意思 平面直角坐标系数学题1在平面直角坐标系中,点{7,6}关于原点的对称点p"在第几象限?2.已知点A到x轴,y轴的距离分别为2和6,若A点在y轴左侧,则A点坐标是几 This is the book which I am looking for 中 which可不可以省略?还有which可不可以换成that?有人说which不可以省略 但是在定语从句中which做的是宾语啊 为什么不可以省略? This is the book which you wanted 定语从句This is the book which you wanted .这个句子可以写成This is the book that you wanted .是不是还可以这样写呢?This is the book you wanted . morning,book,is the ,this,I,where,bought,which连成一句话 this is the book _____which I spend 5 yuan. 怎样写关于冬至的作文 冬至的作文怎么写 不吃早餐的危害对人体有那些危害.对大脑有那些危害. 冬至作文作文 作文 作文 以“冬至”为题的作文 People can cook many different k__of food,首字母填空,为甚麽, In ancient times,people wrote numbers in many different ways. 同义句 Since ancient times,people (send) ____________messages in many different ways.为什么要用have sent不用have been sent...since不是用于现在完成时种么... Chinese people are doing many things in different ways to welcome it 是什么 They___ potatoes in many different ways.填cook还是make?求详解. 七下平面直角坐标系的数学题“怪兽吃豆豆”是一种计算机游戏,图中标志表示“怪兽”先后经过的几个位置.如果用(1,2)表示“怪兽”按图中箭头所指路线经过的第3个位置,那么你能用同样 求高手翻一句简单的中译英和英译中第一句:他们用无线电把敌人的情况告诉我们.(INFORM...OF)第二句:THEY HAVE NOT DISCOVERED HOW TO IMPROVE THEIR STUDY!第一句中译英,第二句英译中!谢谢高手了