
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:05:14
关于数学等量关系式要人教3~6年级所有的等量关系式顺便发几道比例的应用题,积分大大的给,所有的等量关系式,发几道比例应用题,100分的给,不骗人,(1楼的,你爱回不回,反正积分是不给你 数学中所有等量关系式需要在应用题里用到的关系式 越多越好 什么是等量关系,写出等量关系式,请举例 天津地铁的报站为什么把 please get ready to get off 改成了 please get ready to getting off? 如何理解这个句子?这个句子选自《名人传》.“亲爱的贝多芬!多少人已颂赞过他艺术上的伟大.但他远不止是音乐家中的第一人,而是近代艺术的最英勇的力量”.不要英文翻译 名人传好句赏析.句子要长.赏析要精彩.大约在300字左右最好 例如:句子:最好是自己找的. 数学的等量关系式怎么写?两个缸内共有48桶水,若用甲缸的水给乙缸加水一倍,然后又用乙缸的水给甲缸加入甲缸剩余水的一倍,则甲乙两缸水量相等,求最初甲乙两缸内各有多少水?求此题等量 ___the latest fashion trend,you can be sure Nicki will be wearing itA.Whatever isB.WhateverC.However isD.However 求‘Are you for or against following the fashion trend’短文 用are you against or for fashion trend写一篇英语作文 Our soldiers have succeeded ______ some enemy’s important positionsA:to take up B:in taking over C:take up D:to take over but for the leadership of our Party,we( ). A.shouldnt have succeeded B.couldnt have succeeded答案选a,但是我觉得语义不符啊,我认为选b才对,能帮我讲讲吗.谢谢 Welcome t( )our home.Have some Coke. 求角与角之间的关系式~如图,在四边形ABCD中,AB=20,BC=15,CD=7,AD=24,∠B=90°,求∠A与∠C的关系式 关系式1、某工人安装一批机器,若每天安装4台,预计若干天完成。安装了2/3后,改用新办法安装,工作效率提高到原来的3/2倍,因此比预计时间提前一天完工,这批机器有多少台?2、有甲 概括廉颇蔺相如列传原文太长,不必全文包括.可以用精简的一段话帮偶概括一下的吼一声. 廉颇蔺相如列传的故事简介 I know that you’re there,So please don’t walk away,So should it matter?What I do or what I’ People think that fashion is all about following the season's trends.中文意思,要比较中文读起来通顺 廉颇蔺相如列传中所有“因”字的解释 下列故事不是出自 水浒传 的一项是 A温酒斩华熊 B智取生辰纲 C三打祝家庄 D拳打镇关西 how many British soldiers wrote memoists about their pain during anti-japan war?To be frank ,i hate japanese very much,yes!yes!I Hate Them!i was thirsty for memoirist wrote by British soldiers who experienced anti-japan war during world war 2. Let's ()the school music festival.--That's a good idea.A.to be in B.are in C.be in D.join to be in Why don't you( )a music club to practice singing?Good idea.A.joining B.to join C.join D.joined为什么选C. Which is the first month? Which is the fouth month?是啥意思快. This is your new cat .Please ( ) well .A.look at it B .look for it C.look after it i don't ()it's a good idea空里填啥呀,哥哥姐姐们 how will you make proporation before an interview?如何回答 I had made an a__with this film star before interview her 用这些单词造句每一个词造一个句子,句子长一点的,语法正确的choice,choose,chose,coarse,course,immigrate,emigrate,imminent,emanate,eminent,fewer,less,later,latter,loose,lose,losslay,liepersonal,personnel passed,pastpractise,prac 请帮我用这些词造句每个词分别造一个句子就好了.1.achievement2.amount3.autograph4.away5.bargain6.champion7.championship8.chip9.check10.curry11.camel12.deli13.dull14.diner15.excited16.exhibition17.foreign18.interview19.leader20.stom