
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:35:09
一个蒙古包围成的圆形的直径是12m,这个蒙古包的占地面积是多少平方米? 为什么蒙古包是圆的? 蒙古包底下为什么是圆的? 用10米长的毡子围成一个底面是圆形的蒙古包,已知两头相接重叠处占去0.58米,这个蒙古包占地面积有多大?列算式 不要方程 民主革命时期的两次思想解放运动是哪两次 what's wrong with me?/i must have a problem求完整翻译! I think the story is not so _____________as that oneA、interesting B、interested C、more interesting D、most interesting Many people have a poor mentality regardingthose with mental health problems. 改革开放30年来的三次思想解放是什么改革开放30年来我国经历了哪三次思想解放? 改革开放三十年中有关思想解放的具体事例 十万火急!比如说 两时期人们观点的不同啊 之类的具体一点 没有解放思想,就不会有改革开放;没有继续解放思想,改革开放就不会得到深化.结合中国改革开放和现代化建设新时期的相关史实加以说明 Kill Sarah的中文歌词歌词:I want to cry but no tearsI also lost my smilesLike the wind goes byEvery single person who came who leftAnd I realized there’s nothing changed after anythingIn the real world all I can take all I can hold is meI w 根据动物的叫声,写出“叫”的近义词.马( ) 猿( ) 虎( ) 羊( ) 龙( )成语填空为( )作怅把“小羊上山吃草”这句话重新组成句子.(六句)更无柳絮因风起,惟有( )向日开接天 Sarah Engels的《If》 歌词 WAVE OUR HANDS译中文就行了 clap our hands. what is he look like可以问外貌吗? 用词的适当形式空 ——he___(study)very well dear friends,my family and wish youall abear mwrry christmas and happy new year thank youfor yo After a few _____ study,he can speak English very well.A.month's B.months' C.month D.months 美国政治术语翻译Democratic aides say House speaker Nancy Pelosi will put a propose-relief measure for the auto industry on the fast track. President-elect Obama's aides say he urged President Bush to provide extra help to US automakers during 英语翻译gift card good toward future shopping,adjustments will be made to the gift card for returned merchandise拿不准意思.good 在这句里啥意思?adjustments be made to 啥意思呢? also 的用法 also与to的用法 What was the most important for her ,the athlete told the media,was taking part in the Olypic Gamesrather than winning the medals?A.That Bwhat C it D As 为什么选B? western culture affect in China我要写演讲稿,最好是英文的 麻烦高手帮写一篇Cultural diversity in China250字以上 要符合题意. either、or、also分别用在什么句中? Alice did not know what to do(改为同义句) Alice did not know_____ ________ _______ ________ go to work 还是go working The litter is from a boy called Jon to a girl called May.中文翻译、急 Tom kept quiet about the accident____lose his jobA.so not as to B.not so as to C.so as to not D.so as not to